A Mediocre and a God

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Tine was pacing the room back and forth, "What if he's disgusted? He's going to see my back acne. What if I smell bad?", all these thoughts running through his mind on repeat. Tine was about to show everything to Sarawat: And he was scared out of his mind

Tine and Sarawat had been dating for nearly 1 year, but time didn't help Tines worry go down. He was a good lucking male, tall, and had soft skin. But he always thought there was something missing; but he didn't know what that thing was.

Although some would describe him as a model, Tine always saw himself as an unappealing person. He snored in his sleep, overthought a lot, didn't express his feelings, and always did things for others over himself.

Sarawat on the other hand, saw Tine as everything he's ever wanted: his eyes sparkled like no others he'd ever met, his smile was the most precious of any, and his body was nothing shy of perfection. All these being reasons why Sarawat was over the moon for tonight. 

In honor of their 1 year anniversary being tomorrow, Sarawat brought up the courage (not that he wasn't the most bold person in the world) to ask Tine to fully expose themselves to each other and get farther on their path towards sex. Sarawat was already ready for their final goal, but he could see slight fear in Tines eyes whenever the thought was brought up. This is why he only asked Tine to be physically vulnerable to him. 

In the moment, Tine decided to be bold and say yes, even though he knew he would regret it later. And now was later... 

He was currently in the bathroom "getting ready" to enter the room where Sarwat was eagerly waiting on the bed to see Tine. 

Tine had already taken a shower, exfoliated his skin, and shaved every possible hair he could see. But it wasn't enough, he still felt too disgusting for Sarwat to see. In all reality, he knew that no matter what he did, he'd never be confident enough for Sarwat to see.

Tine had been in the bathroom for about 30 minutes now (post-shower) and couldn't find the courage to walk out that door...that damn door... "What's this??" Tine felt water going down his cheeks. Only it wasn't water, it was tears.

"God why am I crying, of course now Im crying. Im butt naked inside this 5x5 bathroom and Sarwat is probably playing on his phone getting annoyed at me for how long im taking. He probably doesn't even wanna see me anymore. Which would be good because then I can avoid showing my disgusting body to him.", Tine thought while sobbing on the floor.

But he was wrong, Sarawats eager position on the edge of the bed had not faltered. He was still sitting straight, naked, and giving a slight smirk to the door incase it was to open. The T.V was on, the Liverpool game was on, and Sarawat had been listening to it as background noise. That was till, he thought he heard a faint cry coming from the door. 

He immediantely turned off the T.V and ran silently to the door. He didn't want to bust in incase Tine had just accidentally hit his hand or something, but he wasn't going to just sit there acting like he had not heard anything. 

(inside the room) Tine was trying his hardest not to accidentally let out another cry, his hand was plastered over his mouth and his teeth were gritting together. "I have to get this together, I cant let Sarawat see me like this". He already thought, physically, he wasn't good enough for Sarawat. And that just meant he really could not afford to show Wat that, mentally, he also wasn't Mr.Perfect. Thinking so much, Tine didn't realize he had loosened the grip over his mouth.

That's when it happened, Sarawat busted into the bathroom. Naked and face struck with worry. 

He immediantely grabbed a towel and wrapped it around Tines shaking body. "Tine, Tine! What's wrong? What's wrong? Are you hurt, are you feeling sick?  Do you want to go to the hospital?!" Sarawat said in the most soft yet worrying tone while hugging the boy with as much love as possible. 

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