Chapter 1: The Horror...

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It was a normal, chilly Sunday night .  Like every Sunday night the citizens share in Hawkins, Indianapolis.  But this night...was different...and the town had no idea what was coming.  What horrors lurk in the darkness...that hungers for them.  

As the crickets sang their song to the night's sky outside of Hawkins' Lab, U.S. Department of Energy, they blended in with the loud alarms that blared deep below the sub-laboratory hidden deep in the basement.  As the alarms continues to ring, the lights flickered erratically down the tunnels of the lab.  Rapid footsteps rush down the tunnels, mixing with the panic heavy breaths.  A lone scientist rushes to escape the flickering tunnel, escaping the horrors behind him.  He looks over his shoulder several times, thinking that it was behind him.  Chasing him through the tunnels.  He could still hear the terrible screams from the laboratory, the horrific growls, smell the blood that it spilled on the floor from his colleagues.   He must escape and warn the people of the creature's arrival.  They must know and figure out how to stop it.  

Breathing heavily, gasping agitatedly, the scientist finally reaches the large elevator and quickly presses on the button to call it down.  He looks over his shoulder several times, hearing the growls and shrieks in the distance.  He yelps in terror as he continuously pounds his finger on the button.  He finally hears the dinging of the elevator slowly coming down to his level.  He prays silently for his safety.  To be spared by whatever that creature was that destroyed his friends in the lab.  The elevator finally opens and he rushes inside, pounding on the buttons to close.  He sighs in relief, thanking the higher power for saving him.  

But, he heard it.  That growl.  That low, horrible growl...coming from up above him.  Slowly, he looks up as terror fills his eyes.  He could feel tears trailing down his hot face as he whimpers at the sight.  He was frozen where he stood.  He couldn't scream.  He couldn't run.  All he could do...was stare into that creature's dark, slimy face.  The creature's hand snatches out and grabs him.  Yanking him towards his doom as the doors finally close.  The scientist screams in absolute terror and pain as the creature rips him apart.


That same night, in a quiet neighborhood, where the sprinklers begin their routine of tending to the grass.  At the end of the street, lies the home of the Wheeler family.  One of the picture perfect American families in Hawkins.  At least, that's how the town paints them to be.  Mike, the middle child of the Wheeler family, along with his best friends, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, and Lucas Sinclair, all sat together in Mike's basement.  Playing their weekly game of Dungeons and Dragons, with Mike as the Dungeon Master, leading their adventure.

"Something is coming.  Something hungry for blood.  A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. It is almost here." Mike says as he leads his friends through their journey.  Each and every one of them begin to fall so deep in his voice.  It almost felt like they were actually there.  

Dustin rubs his nose as he listens carefully to Mike's tale.  Unblinking as if he was afraid he would miss something.  Everyone had their complete attention on Mike. 

"What is it?" 

"What if it's the Demogorgon?" Dustin asks worriedly.

"What if it's the Demogorgon?" Dustin asks worriedly

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