Chapter 10: Is it him?

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Still worried for Barbara, Nancy decides to call Mrs. Holland, Barbara's mother, and see if she was home sick least, hope she had the answers to Barbara's whereabouts.   

"Come on, come on, come on..." Nancy whispers to herself as she hears the line ringing.  Hoping and praying for Barbara to answer or someone who can tell her where she was.  

She jumps when the line clicks, hoping to hear Barbara's voice, but to her disappointment, it was her mother. 

"Hello?" Ms. Holland answers. 

"Hi. Hi, uh, Ms. Holland, it's Nancy." Nancy says. 

"Oh, Nancy, how are you?"

"Good. I'm good.  Um, I was just wondering, uh, is Barb there?"

"Mmm...No, she hasn't come home yet." Ms. Holland says. 

"But she did come home, right? After the vigil?" Nancy asks, hope lit in her voice. 

"No, she said she was staying with you last night." Nancy could feel the confused frown, even through the phone lines.  She winces silently at her stupidity.  

"Right, yes.  She did, sorry.  I meant, did she come home this morning?  I think she left some textbooks and she was gonna go pick them up." Nancy corrects herself. 

"Oh, um, no, I haven't seen her." 

Nancy couldn't understand it.  This wasn't like Barbara.  Fearing the worst, she needed to find out what happened to her, maybe someone kidnapped her.  There had to be an explanation, but she couldn't worry Mrs. Holland if this wasn't an emergency, "Do...Do you know what?  I just remembered... she's at the library." Nancy stutters and reassures her. 

"Nancy, will you please have her call me as soon as you find her?" Mrs. Holland states, Nancy felt so guilty now for worrying her.  

"Yeah. Yeah, I will. Sorry to bother you." Nancy says and quickly hangs up the phone with a heavy sigh. She needed to find Barbara.   She jumps as the bell rings.  She takes off to find Steve. 

But she finds him with Jonathan Byers.  She didn't understand what was going on till Steve spoke. 

She hears him scoff as he and the others were looking through some large pictures and Jonathan turned pale with guilt.  

"Yeah, that's not creepy at all." Steve says sarcastically.  

"I was looking for my brother." Jonathan stutters. 

"No. No, this is called stalking." Steve shakes his head and glares at Jonathan. 

"Mmm-hmm." Carol says as she smirks at Jonathan's guilty look and chuckles when she sees Nancy walking up towards them.  

"What's going on?" Nancy frowns. 

"Here's the starring lady." Tommy H laughs. 

"What?" Nancy asks, confused with the situation. 

"This creep was spying on us last night." Carol says, pointing at Jonathan. 

"He was probably gonna save this one for later." Tommy H. says as he holds up a picture for Nancy to see.  

Her eyes widen when she sees a black and white picture of herself taking off her shirt, exposing her half naked body.  

Steve clicks his tongue in shame at Jonathan, "See, you can tell that he knows it was wrong, but...Man, that's the thing about perverts...It's hardwired into 'em. You know, they just can't help themselves." He says, glaring still at Jonathan. 

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