Prologue: Invasion

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Screams of panic and terror filled the halls as the doctors of Hawkins lab begin to wheel a strapped teenage girl. Bounded with straps to keep her in place, but she continued her useless fight for freedom. The number 05 branded on her arm turns red from the yanks and scratches of the straps. She looks up as far as she could go to look at her Papa with pleading eyes.

"Papa! No! Papa!" She cries and begs him not to do this, but all he does in give her an emotionless look. She cries and yanks at the straps.

"Prepare her for administration." A doctor says as they wheel her inside the huge lab.

Five knew why now they wanted Eleven to do the bath tonight again. Because if Eleven knew what Papa was doing to her, she would stop it. And he didn't want that to happen.

Five whimpers in terror as she sees the plastic exam table with stirrups attached to it.

"Be sure to wear your gloves. All of you have read the memo of this woman." Another doctor warns the others as he places on black rubber gloves.

The doctors begin to unbuckle the straps and, as soon as the last strap is loose, Five kicks one doctor in the face and rushes to get off the table. But two doctors manage to grab her. Loud zapping noises is made, but the Doctors continue to hold on to her as she fights.

Five yelps as they slam her down on the plastic table and hold her down as others begin to tie her to the table and grab her legs and spreads them wide as they attach them to the stirrups.

She cries and screams as she jerks against the straps.

"Is the donor specimen ready?" A doctor asks a nurse.

"Donor number 479574 is ready for impregnation." A woman says.

Crying, Five yelps as she feels something invading her down below. Something spreading her parts wide. She squeezes her eyes shut tightly, feeling the hot tears trickle down her face at the feel of the painful invasion.

"Subject #05.  Age 18. Healthy female..." The doctor's voice trails off as Five looks and sees him approaching her with a large syringe filled with some sort of white, creamy substance. She whimpers and yanks on the straps, but it was no good. She was trapped.

"Time is 19:00. First administration of sperm donor #479574."

"If this succeeds, we'll begin a race of unique weapons." An excited voice speaks out.

Five whimpers as the doctor with the large syringe gets closer and closer towards her. He sits on a small stool and moves between her legs. He slowly brings the syringe closer...

Suddenly, darkness takes over them. Five gasps as she looks around and jumps at the sound of an alarm blaring. The doctors begin shouting and running around the lab.

"Get the lights. We need to finish this." The doctor orders.

Five pants as she grits her teeth, calling forth the energy around her. The lights begin to come back on but begin to flicker rapidly. Five's eyes begin to flutter with the lights as she feels the energy growing inside her. Her panting grows heavily as loud zapping noises and static crackling is made around her form. With a loud yell, she releases the energy and huge lighting bolts are made around the room. Shooting over everything metal in the room, hitting the doctors and nurses. Everyone in the room was screaming and running. Some were thrown across by the force of the bolts. A few managed to escape, but the doctor who was about to invade her with the syringe was stabbed by a bolt and thrown several feet away from her.

As the screaming quiets down, but the blare of the alarm was still made, Five laid limply over the table. Panting softly as if she was weak. Her nose bleeds gently and the blood trails down her cheek. She grunts as she yanks at the burnt straps, hearing the snap as they break apart. She grunts as she jumps off the table and cautiously looks out the doors. She gently pushes it open and sees the lights flickering rapidly all around the hallway labs. She walks out of the lab and paces down the hallway. She needed to find her sister, Eleven. She wipes away the blood and looks all around the rooms for her. She was about to head down to the level where the bath was but gasps when a figure runs into her.

"Sister!" She exclaims and hugs Eleven tight.

"Sister." Eleven cries as her eyes are filled with guilt.

"Sister?" Five frowns, wondering why she was so distressed.

But soon, they both gasp at the growling sounds that came from the lab. They snap their heads towards the sound and hears screeching.

"Come!" Five yells and yanks on Eleven's arm as they rush away from the lab from the monster. "Run!" Five screams.

Eleven pants heavily as she runs with Five. They rush towards the elevators but skid to a halt when a man is in the elevator, looking up in terror. As the doors begin to close, Five and Eleven watch in horror as the man is yanked up from above, screaming with the loud growls. Five gasps as Eleven's eyes widen in fear.

"Sister." She whimpers softly.

Five looks around for a way out and spies the vents. She moves towards the vents and points at it. "Open."

Eleven nods and looks at the vent screws, using the energy inside her to make them come undone.  She glares harder at the vent. Watching the screws move counterclockwise till they fly off the metal grate. She sighs softly and rubs the blood off her nose.

Five grunts as she kicks out the vent that led them outside the compound. She looks around to see if there were anyone who might stop them and capture them again. So far so good, no one was there. She gets out first and helps Eleven out.

"Run." She says as she holds on to Eleven's hand and together, they race towards the storage drain for freedom.

(Short start and kinda early...but wanted to add this at the beginning before following the series.  Hope you like a brief start of Five's story.  Will upload the next chapter soon.) 

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