Chapter 23: Bringing Out the Monster

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After planting blood all over the floor and on the traps, Jonathan and Nancy both sat on the couch and tended to each other's wounds.  Jonathan finished wrapping Nancy's hand, so it was his turn.  Nancy wrapped his hand up with a gauze gently.  They both freeze and jump when they hear fainting creaking. 

Nancy looks up in alert, "Did you hear that?" She whispers. 

Jonathan waves it off, "It's just the wind. Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes." He says. 

Nancy frowns at him as she goes back to wrapping his hand, "Speak?"

"Blink. Think of them as alarms." He corrects himself.

She tightens the gauze a little and Jonathan flinches just a little at her soft touch.  His skin shivers against her fingers.  

"Is that too tight?" She asks as she carefully tapes his bandage.

Blushing and stutters, Jonathan shakes his head, "No, it's fine. Thanks." He looks down and watches her fingers continue to brush against his palm.  He lightly moves his fingers to touch hers.  She was so soft compared to his rough skin.  He looks up into her eyes, trailing over her lips.   He wondered what it would be just once...

"Nancy?" He says softly.

Nancy looks up at him, becoming trapped into his intense stare, "Yeah?"

Jonathan says nothing but continues to trace her lips with his eyes.  Together, they slowly lean in closer...and closer.  

Bang! Bang! Bang! They both jump apart and gasp at the loud banging made at the door.  Soon, a familiar voice calls out from behind.  Both of them were shocked to find out who it was. 

"Jonathan?  Are you there, man? It's

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"Jonathan?  Are you there, man? It's... it's Steve! Listen, I just want to talk!" Steve calls out and continues to bang on the door. 

Nancy looks at Jonathan in shock.  She didn't understand why he was here.  Of all times, he had to come here!  And she couldn't believe she was about to kiss Jonathan Byers!

She scrambles to get up and rushes towards the door, when she opens it, Steve was shocked to see her there. 

"Steve, listen to me." Nancy needed to get him out of here now before the monster comes. 

"Hey. Nancy, what--" Steve stammers in confusion. 

"You need to leave." She states. 

Thinking that she was afraid he was gonna fight again, he shakes his head, "I'm not trying to start anything, okay?"

"I don't care about that. You need to leave." Nancy tries to shut the door, but Steve pushes it back open and pleads with her. 

"No, no, no. Listen, I messed up, okay? I messed... I messed up. Okay? Really. Please. I just want to make things right. Okay? Please. Please..." He begs and, suddenly, his eyes catches the bandage on her hand.  "Hey, what happened to your hand?" He snatches and grabs her hand, flinching when he feels something wet and sees the red stain, "Is that blood?" He exclaims in shock. 

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