Chapter 6: Danger, Danger

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Soon, Jace makes it back to the woods to meet up with the Deputies and the volunteers to continue the search for Will.  Panting, he rushes out of his truck and buttons up his shirt. 

"Jeez Louise, Jace, where the hell have you been?" Callahan scoffs at him as Jace paces over to him. 

"Overslept.  Damn storm knocked out the power." He mutters as he manages to get his shirt tucked.  

"Better hope Chief will accept that excuse, here he comes and he doesn't look happy." Powell mutters in caution while Callahan just chuckles, excited for the drama. 

Volunteers continue to call out for Will.  Their voices travel all around as the three of them stood at the top of the hill.  Hound dogs bark as they're led to search for any scent or clues they could find.  Hopper parks his truck next to Jace's and walks up to his deputies as he glares at his Nephew. 

"Hey! Anything?" He asks. 

Callahan shakes his head, "You?"

"No, nothing but a dead phone." Hopper shakes his head and sighs.


"About one step from falling off the edge." Hopper felt terrible for her, knowing how it's like to lose a child...not like how he did, but still...the pain is the same.  

"She's been a few steps for a while now, hasn't she?" Callahan scoffs. 

Hopper sends him a glare, "Kid's missing, man. Show a little class. All right." He turns to Jace,, wagging his fingers at him to follow,  "You, with me.  Come on, let's go! We got a lot of ground to cover." He says as he shouts over his shoulder at his deputies with Jace following him. 

"The chief and her, they've screwed before, huh?" Callahan leans over to Powell with a curious grin. 

Powell looks at him and scoffs as he walks towards the party, "Will!" He calls out. 

"That a 'yeah' or did they..." Callahan scoffs and sighs as he joins in the search, "Will!"

"Will!" Jace calls out. 

"Where were you, Jace?" Hopper asks as they walk together with people shouting around them.

Jace sighs in guilt, "Damn storm knocked my power out last night.  Didn't know what time it was when I woke up." He scoffs.

"Yeah?" Hopper scoffs and reaches to tap on Jace's watch, "Storm knock that out, too?" He asks sarcastically.  "I know you, Jason.  You always have that on you, even when you're sleeping." He stops and holds his hand up to make Jace stop in his tracks.  "What's going on?" He asks. 

Jace licks his lips and shrugs, "Nothing.  Just...worried about Will." He sighs and rolls his eyes, looking down in guilt.  "I went back to Mirkwood last night to look again and...I was hoping to find something we missed.  I was out there practically all night long.  I guess I lost track of time and..." He mutters.

Hopper nods in understanding, but still senses that Jace was hiding something, "Ok. Don't do that again.  It's stupid to go out there alone.  Especially during that storm." He states.

Jace sighs and looks away, "I'm sorry." He rubs his nose.

Hopper reaches and grips Jace's shoulder, squeezing it in assurance, "Next time you want to look more, call me and we'll head out there.  Got it?" He asks.

Jace looks up at him and nods, "Yeah, Unc." 

Hopper nods and lets go of him to continue the search.  Jace sighs deeply and rubs his neck.  It was killing him to keep Five's existence a secret.  He knew he had to tell him soon, but once he gets more information from her, he will.  He looks at his watch and sees that it was close to noon, meaning Gloria would be at his place soon.

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