Chapter 16: The Hunt is On!

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After leaving Jonathan, Nancy headed home to change

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After leaving Jonathan, Nancy headed home to change.  She lied to her mom, saying she was going to spend some time at a friend's house.  After she changed out of her funeral clothes, she heads for the garage to search through old sport equipment.  She manages to find a baseball bat.  She needed something to fight the monster who took her friend.  She wasn't gonna let it take her that easily.  She was going to get Barbara and save her.  

She swings the bat around, practicing to fight the monster.  After a few swings, she turns and delivers a powerful one and hears a surprised shout. 

"Whoa, whoa, hey, whoa, whoa." Steve ducks and backs away with hands up in surrender and a scared look. 

She exhales in relief, "What are you doing here?" She asks.

"What are you doing?" He continues to give her a fearful look as he eyes the bat in her hands.

She shrugs and puts the bat down, "Nothing."

"I hope that's not meant for me." He says, still a little afraid that she was still mad at him. 

"What? No. Oh, no, I was just...thinking about joining softball." She lies. 

"Oh. Well, uh...listen, I'm really sorry. I mean, even before you threatened me with the baseball bat." He apologizes.

"Okay." Nancy says as she continues to listen.  To be honest, she was still mad at him, but she'll give him a chance to apologize. 

"I panicked and..." He stops and sighs. "I mean, I was a total dick."

She scoffs, "Yeah, you were." She agrees but sighs, "Did you get in trouble with your parents?" She asks. 

"Totally, know, who cares? Screw 'em." He waves it off, " Any news about Barbara? Parents heard from her? Or..." He asks.  To be honest, he was concerned, he knew how much Barbara meant to her.  He always sees them together.  They were close as sister. 

"No." She frowns, shaking her head. 

"Hey, listen. Why don't we, uh, why don't we catch a movie tonight, you know? Just kinda pretend everything's normal for a few hours. All The Right Moves is still playing. You know, with your lover boy from Risky Business?" He asks with a grin. 

Nancy couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah, I know."

Steve slowly walks closer to her and takes the bat out of her hand, "You know, Carol thinks I actually kinda look like him. What do you think? Huh?" He holds up the bat and sings into it like it was a microphone, " ♪ Just take those old records Off the shelf ♪ ♪ I'll sit and listen to them by myself ♪"

She couldn't stop the laugh from her lips, but her smile drops when she thinks about the plans she made with Jonathan. 

"I just, I... I don't think I can. I've been really busy with this whole funeral thing and...[inhales] with my brother. It's been really hard on him." She lies. 

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