Chapter 22: Into Upside Down We Go

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Insects chirped loudly outside of Hawkins Lab.  Drowning out the screams and yells coming from the interrogation rooms occupied by Hopper, Joyce, and Gloria.  Joyce sat at the chair, handcuffed from behind as she calls out to anyone to listen.  Demanding them to let her go.

"Let me out of here! Somebody, please!" She yells and grunts at the painful tightness of the metal cuffs as they basically cut into her skin, "Let me out!" She grits her teeth in anger as she looks around the small black room.  Only thing you could see was the light above, the black walls, two-way mirror and the table and chair. 

Soon, the doors unlock and when the door opens, Joyce looks up and sees who walks in.  Dr. Brenner!  Familiarity covers her face as she sends him an angry glare.  Her breaths come in and out heavily as she feels her rage rise.  She finally meets the man who took her child away from her.  Who kidnapped that poor girl and her sister.  

Dr. Brenner sighs as he sits down in front of her, giving her a gentle look, " Your son. We know you've been in contact with him." He states. 

Stammering, Joyce could barely get a word out, her anger was making it hard for her to even talk, "You have to let me—"

"When...and how did you make contact with him?" Dr. Brenner asks. 

Joyce gives him a confused look, "What?"

"Hmm?" Dr. Brenner waits for her to talk, but she practically seethed at him, "Six." He suddenly says. 

She frowns at him, "What?"

"Six. Six people have been taken this week. This... thing that took your son..."  His voice drops to a softer, gentle tone as he tries to sooth her into his voice. "...we don't really understand it. But its behavior is predictable. Like all eats. It will take more sons. More daughters. I want to save them. I want to save your son. But I can't do that. Not without your help." He gently begs her. 

She scoffs at him, "Stop. I know who you are. I know what you've done. You took my boy away from me! You left him in that place to die! You faked his death! We had a funeral. We buried him." Her voice cracks, "And now you're asking for my help? Go to hell." She says. 

Gloria sighs as she sits calmly at her chair, knowing that the bastards were watching her, she looks up and sees the security camera pointed at her.  She lifts her cuffed hands and flip the camera off.  

Soon, the door opens and in comes Dr. Brenner.  Oh, she was waiting for this so much.  Dr. Brenner sighs heavily as he sits in front of her. 

"Dr. Gloria Stein, born May 5, 1928 in Poland, Germany.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but that was when the great Hitler took over the empire.  Lost your parents in the concentration camps at age 9, then came to America at age 10.  Married to Richard Stein till his untimely death in the 'Nam war.  No children.  Then, you became a doctor for this town.  Like you, that's all we want to do.  To help these people.  But, in order to help, we need to know..." 

"Oh, give me a break." Gloria scoffs, cutting him off.  "I know everything you've been doing in here.  What you did to those poor kids.  To Will.  You had the chance to save him, but what did you do?  Hmm?  Covered it up and planted a fake body for his poor mother to see." She leans in closer, "I don't care what you do to me.  You've seen my file, you know I've been to hell and back.  Whatever you do won't compare to what they did to me.  Want my help?" She scoffs.  She balls up her fists together, intertwining them and slams them into his face, making him fall back against the ground and clutches his nose. 

Dr. Brenner's men storm into the room and grabs a hold of her arms as he gets to his feet, wiping away the little blood from his nose.  

"Do your worst, chicken shit." She snarls at him.  

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