Chapter 19: Hiding from the Bad Men

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Mike sighs softly as he continues to help Eleven clean her face.  Now that they were back home, safe and sound, he was happy that she was back in his life.  And so grateful of her saving him.  

"That's better." He says giving her a smile.  But his smile drops when she looks at herself in the mirror, touching her shaved head with a frown.  "You don't need it." He shakes his head. 

"Still pretty?" She asks. 

"Yeah! Pretty. Really pretty." He says and sighs deeply, "El?"

She turns to look at him, "Yes?"

Stammering nervously, "Um, I'm happy you're home." He says. 

She gives him a small smile, "Me, too."

Suddenly, Mike finds himself getting closer towards her and she was meeting him. He couldn't stop looking at her lips.  He always wondered what it would be like to kiss a girl.  But could he?  Would she let him?  He leans closer towards her.

The door jerks open, causing them to jump apart and look at who bursts inside the bathroom.  Dustin held on to the door with a scared look. 

"Guys!" He shouts and pants, "It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble. Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" He says as he goes back to the room and grabs the radio for Mike. 


"What if he found it?" Dustin asks and hands him the radio. 

Mike turns up the volume, frowning at how bad the connection was.  He could hear Lucas shouting, but couldn't understand what he was saying. 

"What's he saying?" Mike asks. 

"I don't know, he's way out of range." Dustin shakes his head, just as clueless as he was. 

" ...son of a bitch!" The signal was starting to get a little stronger, but still faint. 

"Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you." Mike says as he tries to make contact. 

Lucas was pedaling as hard as he could on his bike.  He gasps as he finally hears Mike's voice over the radio, it was faint, but he could hear him. 

"Yes, I copy! Do you? They know about Eleven! Get out of there! They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me? The bad men are coming!" Lucas shouts as loud as he could over the radio as he keeps pedaling to meet up with his friends.  

"'Mad hen'." Dustin frowns, "Does that mean anything to you? Like a code name or something?" He asks. 

"The bad men are coming!" Lucas screams over the radio over and over. 

Mike's eyes widen in fear, "'Bad men'.  Bad men!" He says. 

Dustin's eyes grow as wide as his.  Mike places the radio down and rushes towards the stairs with Dustin, " Stay here." He says to Eleven.  Mike and Dustin rush upstairs to the nearest window and scans the neighborhood, they spy a repairman in his van.  Just sitting there, "What's that guy doing?" Mike frowns, but realizes...

"You don't think..." Dustin gasps. 

Mike takes off to find his mom, to make sure she didn't call anyone for help.  He finds her in the kitchen, chattering on the phone. 

"Well, I know she and Steve have been spending some time together, so I thought maybe—"


Karan waves him away, " Well, is he home? Maybe you could ask him?" She continues to chat with Steve's mother. 

"Mom!" Mike yells louder, trying to gain her attention. 

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