Chapter 14: In Loving Memory of Will Byers...

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Hopper managed to break through the fence that surrounded Hawkins Lab with a pair of bolt cutters.  It still amazed him that he managed to reach the front door.  Lady luck must be smiling down on him because as he walked towards the front door, he quickly hides as people we coming out.  He grabs the door before it could shut and rushes inside the building.  He goes down the familiar hallway and skids to a halt when he reaches the tarp-covered path.  He wasn't sure if he should do this, hence the biohazard signs, but...he must.  He unzips the tarp and rushes inside.  He managed to find a door as soon as he was in.  But when he tries the knob, it was locked.  And he spies a card reader right next to it. 

"No." He sighs in dread.  He was this far, this can't be the end.  He needs to find Will.  He bangs on the door, trying to get it to open, but jumps when a gun cocked behind him.  

"Hands up. Hands up!" A man shouts at him, pointing his gun with a guard next to him.  

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Hopper holds up his hands in surrender. 

"Forgot all the cameras, bub?" The man sneers at him. 

"Look, Dr. Brenner asked for me specifically. Okay? How else do you think I got in here? Hopper scoffs.

The man goes for his radio, still pointing his gun at Hopper, "What's your name again?"

"It's Jim Hopper. Chief Jim Hopper." Hopper says as he slowly walks closer. 

"Yeah, I've got Jim Hopper--" The man grunts when Hopper rushes towards him and punches him out.  Jim grabs the gun and shoves it into the guard's face, holding him at gun point as he hears a voice on the radio.

"Come again?" The man keeps trying to raise them, but Hopper held the cards.  He looks down and spies a card on the Guard's belt. 

" mind if I borrow this one?" Jim asks sarcastically as he snatches it off the guard's belt and quickly opens the door.  Still keeping his gun on the guard, he doesn't lower it till the doors shut and lock behind him. 

While Hopper was searching for Will, Lonnie was tending to Joyce, trying to figure out what happened.  As he was getting her drunk, he tries to get answers with why she chopped a hole into the wall.    

"I don't know what to do. I know. I know. This whole time...I... I could... I could feel him. He was...He was so close. He was...he was right there. I knew he was alive." She sniffles and sobs, "Our hands... our hands were almost touching. Now it's like I... uh...God, it's like I can't feel him anymore." She sobs and frowns when he gives her a look. "Don't look at me like that." She scoffs at him.

"Like what?"

"Like how everybody is looking at me. Like I'm out of my damn mind." She glares at him.

"Hey.  You're not gonna like this, but I think you need to seriously consider the possibility that all this...It's in your head."

She scoffs at him, "You remember your Aunt Darlene?" He continues.

She shakes her head, "No. No, this is not that." She argues.

"I mean, when something like this happens, your mind makes up stuff for you to cope, you know? I mean, Jesus, there's a funeral tomorrow for our little boy and you're saying his body is fake. He's in the wall. I mean, how do you explain that? -[stammers] -It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't. At least go talk to a shrink or..." He sighs and tries to think of something to help her.  "What about Pastor Charles or someone-- -I don't—"

"Well, they can't help." She states. 

"Joyce, you just told me...that Will is gone. What else is there to do?  Hey." He pulls her close and holds her as she continues to cry. 

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