Chapter 20: Sisters Forever

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Hopper gets into his truck with Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan following him.  Gloria joins as well.  Jace grunts and sits up, squirming around to get comfortable.

"Everything ok?" He asks. 

Nancy and Jonathan both jump in surprise, "What the hell are you doing back there?" Jonathan exclaims and sighs. 

Fi slowly lifts her head and Nancy frowns as she sees her, "Who's she?" She asks.  

"Honey, stay down." Gloria says to Fi and gently pushes her back down to duck and then turns towards Nancy and Jonathan as they sit in the back with her, "It's a long story.  But, that is Fi.  She's looking for her sister." She grunts when Hopper starts the truck and drives them towards Mike's house.  "The girl that boy was describing is her sister, but we need to find her before anyone else does."

Nancy frowns, "Why?"

"Her and her sister were both prisoners of Hawkins lab.  They're the reason why Will went missing.  That thing you both saw came from the lab."  Jace explains. 

Jonathan and Nancy both look at him with wide eyes, "Did they create it?" Jonathan stutters.

"No...they freed it." Hopper says and presses harder on the gas. 

"Why were they holding her and her sister hostage?" Nancy asks. 

"Her and her sister are both special.  They can do things that normal people can't.  They want to turn them both into weapons.  To control them and make more.  We need to find your brother and his friends before the lab does.  Now that they know about Eleven..." Gloria explains. 

"They killed Benny...because he knew about her and Fi.  Just because he was trying to help." Jace says. 

Nancy gasps and covers her mouth in horror, she remembers hearing about Benny, but it was ruled as suicide.  If they were telling the truth that Benny was murdered...she became scared to death for Mike and her family.

Hopper slowly brings his truck to a stop when he sees the Wheeler's house from afar.  Dozens of cars swarmed the neighborhood and the house.  He grabs his binoculars and looks to see what was happening.

Nancy gets out to look, she gasps in shock as she sees federal agents going in and out of her house. 

"I have to go home." Nancy demands.

"No, you can't." Hopper states. 

"My mom... my dad are there." Nancy protests. 

"They're gonna be okay." Hopper says, but Nancy didn't want to take no for an answer, she begins to march over to her house, but Hopper grabs her arm, holding her back, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

"Let go. Let go!" Nancy demands. 

"Hey! Listen to me. Listen to me. The last thing in the world we need is them knowing you're mixed up in all this." Jace gets out of the truck and pulls her to look at him. 

"Mike is over there--" She protests. 

"They haven't found him. Not yet, at least." Hopper says as he points at the helicopter that was flying around.  

"For Mike?" She gasps. 

"Come on, get in the truck." Hopper says to both of them.  

Jace rushes to get into the back with Fi while Nancy sits next to Jonathan and Gloria.

Hopper and Joyce turn in their seats to look at Nancy, "Look, we need to find them before they do. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?" Hopper asks. 

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