Chapter 4: Search Party

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As night was beginning to fall, he made sure the boys made it home safe and sound.  He packed up their bikes into his truck and drove the three of them home.  Dustin was first to go, then Lucas.  Mike sat alone with Jace as he drives him to his house.  

"This is bullshit!" Mike exclaims as he sits in the passenger's seat next to Jace.

"Hey! Dude, I know it's bullshit, but rules are rules.  Look, I get it.  You guys care for Will.  But last thing anyone wants is for you three to get hurt." Jace states. 

"We should be helping.  He's our friend.  Ever since you put on that monkey suit, you've crossed over to the dark side.  Where's the 5th member from our party?  Jace the Great." Mike scoffs at him.

Jace snorts at him as he remembers when he was a freshman, he would play dungeons and dragons with the kids during summers.  His character was Jace the Great, the healer of the party.

"Jace the Great decided to hang up his cane to become a real healer.  When I can afford it." He mutters bitterly at the end.  He stops his truck in front of his house.  He turns to give Mike a serious look.

"Will is my friend, too.  And so is Jonathan.  I promise to bust my ass looking for him.  Everyone is gonna be out there tonight.  Keep your radio on channel 10.  It crosses frequencies with mine.  I promise to keep you informed by the hour.  You and your friends better keep your asses in your beds or I will tell your parents to keep the belts ready." Jace glares at him with a warning finger.  "Got it?" 

Mike breaths heavily with anger and grits his teeth.

"Good." Jace sighs and pats Mike's back.  "Dude, seriously, you know I care about you guys.  Just want you all safe.  And Will, too.  I'll find him and bring him home." He promises and holds up a hand.  "I solemnly swear on the lives of my people." He gives him a dramatic glare, making Mike chuckle. 

Mike grips his hand and gives him a brief hug, "Just find him.  Please." He begs. 

"You got it.  Later, dude." Jace says and salutes him as he gets out of the truck.  He waits till Mike makes it inside and heads off towards the search party.  

While Mike was safe at home and Jace has already informed Karen and Ted about Will's disappearance. He tells them to make sure their children stay home and be safe till they find Will. He predicts that until they find him, a curfew will be announced.  

Mike was still bothered, even though he trusted Jace, he still believed he needed to be out there.  Helping the search party.  So, as he sits with his family during dinner, he tries to get his parents to allow him to go.  

"We should be out there right now. We should be helping look for him." He states strongly, but no one would listen to him.  

Karen tended to her youngest, Holly, as Ted was enjoying his chicken dinner, "We've been over this, Mike. The chief says..." Mike cuts her off furiously.

"I don't care what the chief said." He says.

"Karen frowns at him, "Michael!"

"We have to do something. Will can be in danger." He protests, trying to get her to see his side, but she kept her foot down and it stayed down.

"More reason to stay put."

"Mom!" Mike whines.

"End of discussion." She states strongly. 

Mike scoffs and slumps against his chair, not bothering to touch his dinner anymore.  

Nancy stayed quiet through the fight, but once her mom set Mike straight, she decides this was a good idea to mention about going out.  But, of course, she didn't dare say she was going to meet up with Steve.  So she comes up with a lie. 

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