Chapter 13: Finding the Truth

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After his fight with his mother, Jonathan calmed down after his long talk with Jace.  They always been friends even after Jace graduated high school.  Jace was one of the few who was nice to him.  Even though Jace was a senior and he was a sophomore, labels didn't matter.  They grew up together then Jace moved but still visited over the summers.  And he remembers how nice he was to his brother and his friends.  He was practically family.  Then Jace's dad passed and his mom remarried to a grade-A asshole.  After the step-dad left him and his mom, Jonathan knew things were going to be hard for him.  Especially with him and his mom both broke.  Last he heard was that his mom was living with the in-laws of her first husband till she can get back on her feet and Jace is stuck here till he can afford to go to college.  He hopes Jace can make his dreams come true.  

Anyway, after everything that happened today.  He was still angry and so devastated about Will.  Still, he needed to have everything arranged in time for the funeral.  First thing he did was go see the director and pick out the best coffin for his brother.  

"It's made of soft wood with a crepe interior. Uh, now, I...I don't know what your budget is, but over here, we...we have copper and bronze." The director goes on as he shows off what he has, but hesitant, knowing that his family didn't have much money to afford a funeral.  

Jonathan sighs as he stares at the coffin.  Still couldn't believe that he was here, buying a casket for his brother.  He felt like a zombie.  Until he looks around and sees Nancy.  He frowns in confusion with why she was here. 

He turns towards the director, "Can you just give me a second?" He asks, stammering his words.  

"Of course." The director nods and moves away.  

Jonathan walks over towards Nancy, watching her give him a sympathetic look. "Hey." He says. 

"Hey.  Your mom, um... she said you'd be here. I just..." She sighs and inhales deeply, swallowing her pride.  She needed to talk to him and find out if he saw anything when Barb went missing, "Can we talk for a second?" She asks.  

Soon, they were sitting down as Nancy explains everything.  Showing him the picture of Barbara and the figure behind her.  

Jonathan frowns as he exams it, "It looks like it could be some kind of perspective distortion, but I wasn't using the wide angle. I don't know.  It's weird."

"And you're sure you didn't see anyone else out there?" She asks. 

Jonathan shakes his head, "No.  And she was there one second and then, um...gone. I figured she bolted." He shrugs. 

Nancy sighs in disappointment, "The cops think that she ran away. But they don't know Barb. And I went back to Steve's...and I thought I...saw something. Some...weird man or...I don't know what it was." She scoffs, then realizes what she was doing.  Practically interrogating him in a funeral home as he was preparing for one for his brother.  "I'm sorry. I...I shouldn't have come here today. I'm...I'm so sorry." She says as she grabs the picture and her stuff, getting ready to leave, but Jonathan stops her. 

"What'd he look like?" He asks. 

Nancy stops and turns back towards him with a frown, "What?"

"This man you saw in the woods. What'd he look like?" He asks.

Stammering as she tries to remember, "I don't know. It was almost like he...he didn't have--"

"Didn't have a face?" He asks. 

Giving him a surprised look, "How did you know that?"


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