Chapter 9: Operation Mirkwood

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After the night she had, Nancy roamed through the halls of Hawkins High as a new woman.  But she felt like all eyes were on her.  As if they knew what secrets her body held.  Did Steve tell the whole school about their night together?  She prays he didn't.  What they shared was so private and intimate.  She didn't anyone blabbing that could reach her mom's ears.  She frowns as she looks for Barbara.  She couldn't see her.  Normally, she meets Nancy at the lockers or at the front of the school.  But she wasn't there.  She shakes it off, thinking she must still be mad at her for blowing her off to be with Steve.  

She heads for her locker and opens it to gather her stuff, and jumps when a figure pops up.

"Hey!" It was Steve. He leans on the locker next to hers and gives her a greeting grin. 

Laughing nervously at her jumpiness, "Hey!" She welcomes him with a smile of her own. 

He frowns at her nervous vibe, "Is everything okay?" He asks. 

Nancy waves it off, "Yeah! Yeah, totally. I just..." She looks around at the people walking by them, "I feel like everyone's... staring at me." She laughs softly.

"Oh, I didn't... I didn't tell anyone." He assures her. 

"I know. I know. Of course not.  But what about, like, Tommy, and Carol and them?" She asks with cautioned. 

Steve scoffs it off, "You're being paranoid." He laughs.

Shaking her head with a sigh, "I'm sorry." She blushes at how she must sound like.

"No. No, it's cute. Hey...I had a good time." He gives her a seductive grin as the memories of their night together roams through his mind. 

Nancy blushes and smiles back, "Yeah." She agrees.  "Yeah.  Me, too."

Both of them chuckle softly as Steve leans in to give her a soft kiss, "Mmm. Hmm." He slowly breaks the kiss and moves to head to his class.  Leaving her blushing and breathless.  

She chuckles and snaps out of the fog to head to her first class.  She walks inside and goes to her regular desk and turns to talk to Barbara, thinking she was sitting next to her.  But...she wasn't.  Nancy frowns as the first bell rings and turns to her friend who sat in front of her. 

"Hey, Ally. Where's Barb?"

Ally turns to look at Nancy over her shoulder, frowning at her question, "Um, shouldn't you know?"

"You haven't seen her all?" Nancy asks in pure shock and Ally shakes her head.  

Nancy was confused.  Barbara wouldn't just skip school.  Did she hurt herself that bad enough to skip?  Did she go home and get into trouble with her parents?  She needed to check on her once class was over with.  


Jace watches his Uncle pull up towards the Department of Energy, AKA Hawkins National Laboratory.  His heartbeat picks up as they get closer and closer to the security booth.  He was anxious to get inside and find some kind of proof that Five was there.  But he knew he was going to be hard.  

"There she is. Emerald City." Powell jokes. 

"I heard they make space weapons in there." Callahan says in wonder. 

"Space weapons?" Powell scoffs at him. 

"Yeah. You know, like, Reagan's Star Wars." Callahan says. 

"I guess we're gonna blow the Ruskies to smithereens." Jace mutters sarcastically.

Jim pulls up towards the security guard and stops, he rolls down his window as the guard moves towards the truck. 

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