(6) Dinner

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I woke up to bright sunlight and the sound of laughter from the other side of my bedroom door. I missed hearing my little siblings playing and laughing although sometimes they were really noisy. I Slowly got out of bed. Opening the curtains and grabbing my phone. I see a good morning text from Bakugou I text him back. Then I connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and played one of my favorite Spotify playlists and headed to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower to warm up as I brushed my teeth. And hopped in sing along. Then I got out brushed my hair and changed into sweet pants and a baggie hoodie. Then stopped the music. As I glanced at my phone I noticed Bakugou has replied to me so I opened the message which read.
"I'm so nervous about tonight I barely got any rest" I chuckled I'd completely forgotten about him coming for dinner I quickly typed "don't be make sure to take a nap though my family is quite a handful but in a good way" then I put it in my hoodie pocket and rushed downstairs for breakfast. Mina and Aki were sitting at the table as I joined them helping myself to some pancakes as I listened to their conversation. Then Toga run up hugging me a hug followed by Dabi and Shigaraki. Shigaraki's parents were out of town so he was staying here. As me Aki and Mina talked about stupid stuff like why pizza is circle cut into triangles and put in a square box. Then My dad came down kissing my forehead Mina's and Aki's. Then waved and was off to work, apparently my mom had left a while ago. "Kiri isn't your boyfriend coming to dinner today" toga asked hugging her toy looking up with her golden eyes that matched her hair. Her Aiko and Zach got my dad's blond hair while me and Dabi got my mom's Black hair but I dyed mine red when I was first going to U.A. . We spent the day playing talking and watching movies. Then my mom got home shortly after lunch and stated on dinner she was so excited.

Then she made me change into something more "presentable" so I just wore and short red flowy skirt with a black top. "Eji get your ass down here!!" I heard my sister "Aki language" I hear my I'm hiss at her as I giggled as I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs "what is it?" I shrugged setting my phone on the table "Come help us cook he should be here soon" I smiled and walked into the kitchen. Soon there was a knock at the door I rushed to answer it but it was only a neighbor who wanted to borrow something. Afew minutes later I hear a car pull into the drive way so I thought his parents were dropping him off but it was just my dad. But you know what they say third time's the charm. I was setting the table when I heard a car then a knock on the door I rushed to the door sure it was him. And my smile grew even wider as I was met with an ash blond with Ruby eyes. I hugged him as he kissed my forehead "I missed you too" he said with a chuckle. I smiled still hugging him "calm down I can feel you so tensed" I giggled "well I want to make a good first impression" he said as I pulled back and let him step in and take off his shoes. Then I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the living room the others had finished setting the table and we're settling down. I stopped us at the doorway and said "everyone this is Katsuki Bakugo" as I proudly looked at my Boyfriend. "Hello it's a pleasure, thank you for having me over I really appreciate it" I've never seen Bakugou so formal me and Mina looked at each other trying not to burst out in laughter. Then My dad stood and shook his hand. "Taishiro Kirishima" my mom smiled behind him "just call me Mrs. Kirishima or mom if you'd like" she chuckled and my face when bright red " mommmm" then I turned to Bakugou "you don't have to call her that she was just kidding" he laughed and bent down as he noticed Toga, Dabi and Shigaraki looking at him. "Hello I'm Dabi Kirishima." Dabi declared proudly. Bakugo smiled "I'm Bakugo Katsuki" then Dabi moved closer and said "you know I'm turning seven next month" Bakugou pretended to look shocked "wow seven you're a big boy" Dabi smiled proudly and stood tall "yes I am" then Bakugou noticed the shy little girl behind him. He tilted his head to the side a little and smiled at her and asked "what's your name?" it was quiet for some time as she stared at the ground. "Toga is a nervous kid so she usually doesn't talk much to people she's never met" I said also coming down to their level to my and my family's amusement Toga stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Bakugou's neck he was shoked at first but Hugged her back. "My name is Toga Kirishima" she mumbled as she pulled away fiddling with her fingers "well Toga it's nice to meet meet" he smiled as he turned to me who was still surprise. "Wow you must be one special kid if Toga took a liking to talk to you the first time you met" my mom said "yea it took me a week before she would even high five me back" Mina said sinking deeper into the couch earning a laugh from everyone . Then Shigaraki said "I'm not a Kirishima but I'm Dabi's best friend Shigaraki, but I come over a lot and Uncle and Aunt said I'm like their other son even Ejira and Aki think of me as a little brother" he said proudly Bakugou pat his head "well it's nice to meet to Shigaraki" as he slowly rose back up. then Aki threw her arm around his shoulder. "I'm her big sissy Akino but call me Aki for short."
"Nice to meet you too Aki"
Then I pulled I'm out of her grasp and pulled him to the end of the couch where Mina was "Sup Blasty" Mina said with a smile on her face. She called him that because of his explosive attitude I thought it was funny but he hated it. "Long time no see Pinky" He said trying to hide his annoyance then I plopped down my skirt falling in a circle around me as He Sat next to me. We talked and everything was going well so far. Then It was time for dinner. We sat at the huge table and ate and talked and laughed. Everyone I loved so much was right here with me I couldn't be happier. Well maybe if Zach we're here and the rest of the squad. After we finished. My dad spoke "Ejia, why don't you go help you're mom make dessert". I knew what was I about to happen. So I looked as Bakugou worryingly and he held and squeezed my hand reassuringly and smiled so with that I stood and went to the kitchen. I was trying to hear the conversation but all I could hear was feint voices. But one I had laughter and Bakugou's voice was going them so I calmed down a little. When I went to the living room Aki was showing him Baby pictures of me. "Awwwww kiri you were cute as a baby toooo" he said laughing. I took the book from Aki. My face red from blush and embarrassment "I think you guys have embarrassed me enough for one night" I said sighing setting it down. The rest of the night went by fine. We talked and played games. Toga took such a liking to Bakugou that she only wanted to sit next to him. It was going well till Dabi asked "are you going to marry Eji?" I almost choked and so Did he at the sudden question as the room went silent except from Mina and Aki snickering. Before he could even open his mouth my mom said "Ejira Bakugou that's doesn't sound to bad". "Mooooommmmm that's enough embarrassing me" I sad putting my head on the table. "I knew I shouldn't have let you guys meet him" I murmured under my breath. Causing everyone to laugh. After a while Bakugou's phone rang . "Oh it's my old man here to pick me " he said getting to his feet. "It was a pleasure meeting you". "The pleasure was ours please feel free to come by any time" my mom said. "I'll make sure to come by often" he said with a wave as I walked him to the door. Then Toga run up pulling the hem of his shirt. "Will you come visit again" she said shyly. Everyone's mouth was on the ground. Bakugou went down to her level patting her head and smiled "of course I will" then I stood and we went to the door. "Sorry about my family" I chuckled "no I had fun actually" he smiled have me a quick kiss before leaving I watched the car leave and disappear into the night.

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