(27) re-living the best day

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We'd just gotten back from our week in Australia I was supper happy and glad Kat liked it. I was also really excited for tommorow because it was our actual anniversary and Kat said he had something planned. He said we'd start the day at three. I sat on our bed wondering what he had up his sleeve.

"Ei you look fine" Jirou smiled and Mina nodded in agreement. They'd both called me because they wanted to make sure I dress amazingly for this date. "Thanks we'll I guess I'm going now I'll talk to you guys after"  "make sure you tell us how it goes" "I will see you guys" I laughed hunging up.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My long red hair in a ponytail with a few lose strands on the sides. I wore a black top that was kind of tight and showed of my figure. With a red skirt which was just above my knees. With black shoes and an anklet kat gave me a few years ago. I grabbed my phone and wallet stuffing them into my small black purse.

I walked downstairs to see Kat waiting for me. "Wow you look beautiful as always princess" I smiled slightly blushing as I walked up to him. "Well shall we go now red?" "Red you haven't called me that since highschool" I smiled taking his arm as we walked to his car.

"So where are we headed to?" "You'll see" we soon stoped infront of a farmiliar ice cream parlor. "Wow he haven't been here in forever" I smiled. "Yes let's go" we stepped in and ordered our ice cream. I went for strawberry shorbert and he got coffee. "You know the first time we came here I ordered Vanilla and you changed my order to cookies and cream because you thought it was to plain" he laughed. "Oh yes I remember that was our first date....the day you asked me out" i smiled at the memory of that day.

We sat at a table near the window. "Wow it's a beautiful day" I smiled. Staring at the coulds. "Yea we should go to the park after this" "yea that'd be fun" this is just like that day....I brushed it off smiling as I put another spoon of ice cream into my mouth.

After about an hour we decided to go to the park. We walked though the all so farmiliar park. Taking in the beauty. The cherry blossoms falling children running around playing, people on dates other walking thier dogs some on a jog. It was just so peaceful.

"Kk it's time for my suprise now" Kat turned to me. "Oh really so what is it?" I smiled at him. "Come with me also put this on" he said tossing my a blind fold. "Ok" I put it on and felt him grab my hand. "Ok now let's go" "please don't trip me" I grabbed onto his hand tighter. "I won't now let's go we have to be on time" and with that I let him pull me away. We walked up what felt like a hill then he moved me s bit so I was standing in a specific spot I still had no idea where we were.

"Ok take it off." I took of my blind fold to see the view of the city. It was so farmiliar. "Oh it's the same place you brought me when you asked me out"I smiled. "Yea that's was exactly a decade ago to the hour" I turned to him. "So you brought me here one decade after you asked me if and made sure it was exactly a decade to the hour" I chuckled. And playful punched him. "Wow thanks you put so much though into it we even went everywhere when went that day" I smiled.

"Yea that was the plan but it's not over yet" he said breaking eye contact and looking at the view again. "What do you mean but that? There's more" I said also looking forward. "Well as you know it was exactly once decade ago when I stood here and asked you to be my girlfriend.... because I'm was sure I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you so..." I turned to see him getting down on one knee and pulling out a small black box my hands instinctively covered my mouth and I felt tears but happy tears.

"I stand here one decade later I realized I wanted to spend every decade that went by with you by my side so here I am asking you Ejira Kirishima to please marry me?" He opens the to reveal a ring it was nice and small with a jewel on the top but this one had a tint of light red to it.
"YES I WILL" I cried. Once he slid the ring on I jumped on him tackling him like the way I did all those years ago. "I love you so much" I nuzzled my face into the crock of his neck.

I was still on top of I'm my arms around his neck and face hidden in the crock of his neck. His arms around my torso. "I love you too" I stayed there for a while before I got off and at down besides him.

"I can't believe you really re-created one of the best days of my life and made it even better" I smiled at him. He put his head in my lap. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and keep the promise I made to drunk Ei" he laughed. I huffed. "You're really never letting me live that night down huh?"

"And I'll be the best Doctor and Kat will be the best Cop and we'll get married and live in a big house together" he mocked me. "I get ittttttttt" I laughed leaning down and kissing him. We sat in comfortable silence. Before it hit me. "Mina and Jirou knew didn't they?" I said looking down at him.
"Yea they did the whole squad knew I told them at the emergency meeting Mina called when you went to the bathroom" he laughed. "Plus also your brother knew and Tamaki, also Kai who probably told Mattie" I chuckled then smiled at him then back at the sunset. "So I'm the only one in the world who don't have a clue huh?'

"So I have a fiancee now" I laughed as we opened the door to our house. "Hmmh so enjoy your last name while you still have it" he laughed as I blushed. "You know after all these years you still manage to make me blush" I sighed taking off my shoes.

"Congratulationsssss guys" the whole squad shouted as I logged onto our group call.

"Wait she said yes right?" Denki asked.

I held my hand up showing them the ring on my finger. "Wow it's beautiful" Mina gushed.
"So when's the wedding?"
"Ummm we just got engaged literally less than three hours ago." I sighed at Denki's question.

We spent the rest of the night catching up. Mina had her first ultrasound soon but we couldn't all go so we decided to have anthother call when she does. But she said she wouldn't know the gender since she's having a baby shower the results would be sent to a company who'd set up a gender reveal party.

Jirou had a big concert coming up and invited all of us and of course we'd all go.  That night I didn't want to take off the ring when we we're going to sleep but of course Kat made me going on about how it could hurt me. I reluctantly took it off and cuddled with him until he asleep. "I can't believe we're really getting married I can't wait" I smiled at the sleeping ash blond. Kissing his cheek.

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