(7) camping

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(from this chapter on I'll be referring to Bakugo as kat if you're wondering why it's because that's what Kiri calls him)
Half of the summer had gone by so fast. I got to meet Kat's parents. And it was so much fun they are such amazing people. Then our families met and hit it off. To everyone's surprised Toga took a liking to the whole family. See Kat is an only child so it's just the three of them. We even went to a fireworks show with our families. Our mom's would often go for coffee together. And our dad's would watch every sports game together turns out they loved the same teams. I loved how close our families became.

We've been on break for a month now. And next week is the camping trip. The group chat is bursting with excitement. Me and Mina even finished packing everything and put it at the door. Even though it's going to be there for a week. Sero had actually come over a lot or when Mina would go over so we'd gone on a few double dates.

"Well Sero is here bye Eji" Mina called. "Byeeee". Sero, Jirou, kat, and Mina all got their driving licenses. And Jirou, Kat, and Sero even had cars. Denki failed his, and I'll be taking mine after the trip.

~Time skip to camping~
"Guys hurry up and get in we're going to be late" Sero shouted as he put the tents in the trunk of his car. We decided to take one car so it'll be easier. We hopped into the car. Sero driving, Mina in the passenger seat, and me and kat in the back. When we got to the camping sight Denki Jirou were already there. We quickly greeted each other and hurried to set up the tents before dark. When we finished Kat, and Sero lit the fire. We we're sharing tents according to couples. So I was in Mine and Kat's tent arranging it. After some time I went to join the others around the fire. Mina and Denki was still in thier tents so it was just me, Jirou Kat and Sero. We talked and laughed and Mina and Denki eventually joined us. We began to cook dinner, Well most of us then Denki and Mina were banned from cooking by Kat because they almost burned down the dorms once. If I didn't mention Kat was is amazing cook way better than me. After dinner we played games like truth or dare. Then we decided to make some s'mores at the fire. We got around with marshmallows on our sticks and began roasting them. Also I got distracted into of my burnt and fell into the fire while everyone just laughed. "Whoa it's midnight we should probably go to sleep" Sero stated being the mom of the group. We all just shrugged and noded in agreement as we got up, put out the fire, and went to our tents.

Time skip to 2 days later

I woke up to The sound of birds chirping as I try to get up I realized that arms were around my waist I looked back then I realized me and Kat fell asleep with him spooning me. I just quietly laid the back down not wanting to wake him up. He just looked so peaceful and cute I I put a strand of his blonde hair behind his ear and smiled. "Hey Kiri you guys up" then a "guess there still asleep" with footsteps matching away. Well that goes my hope of not waking him up. Kat began to wake up as he slowly opened his eyelids revealing his ruby red eyes. "Morning sleepy head" I kissed his forehead and slowly got up. Once I had changed and brushed my teeth I went to join the others who were sitting on the grass. Mina had made a flower crown out of Daisy's in dandelions. Denki had his head on Jiro's lap as she played with his bright blonde hair. Wile Sero was making breakfast. We we're leaving tommorow so we decided to make the most of the day. It was so much fun we even went fishing at a point.

~Time skip because I'm lazy sorry~

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