(10) it begins to crumble

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I was sitting in my room fishing up my English homework. When I got a text form Mina to hurry to the common room. So I pushed my chair away from the desk as I reluctantly stood up. Slipped on my red crocs and made my way out of my dorm. Closing the door and headed for the elevator. When the large metal doors finally opened. I made my way to the common room.

Some of my class mates were there. But they all looked sad and looked at me with eyes full of sorrow?
"Why so gloomy?" I ask taking a seat between Mina and Bakugou. Nobody said anything. Then I looked at Mina. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked like she was fighting the urge to cry more. "Mina baby what's wrong?" I asked giving her a hug. Then she burst out Crying. When she pulled away she said "I'm sorry Kiri" I smiled "no everyone needs a good cry from now and then but why are you crying" I said gently putting my hand on her cheek as Sero wrapped an arm  around her comforting her.

Then my classmates also looked like they would cry. I was suddenly take into a hug by Bakugou. All he kept saying was "I'm sorry Kiri.....I'm so so sorry" I had enough I rushed to my feet gently pushing him off.

"Can someone please tell me what happened" then Ururaka spoke up "I don't think it's our place to tell her" she said looking and Mina and Bakugou the others nodded or murmured in agreement. Then Mr. Aizawa came out from the corner of the room. I didn't even know he was there. Then he spoke "I'm-" I cut him off "please don't say your sorry I don't know why you're apologising" I said trying to stop my mind from wandering to the worst.

he paused for a second then spoke in a soft tone. "Your ummmm....your family they.....they died in a car accident" suddenly my knees felt week my chest hurt, vision blurry, my ears were ringing and all I could hear was my own heartbeat. Then I started falling to my knees but never touched the ground, Bakugou had cought me. I  stood, my knees still shaking face in my hands and turned and buried myself in his chest as he slowly run his fingers through my hair.

Sobbing mercilessly as all the memories of them flashed though my mind they were gone. Then I felt and other hug from my left of was Mina. I put the side of my head on hers to let her know I appreciate it. Then Mr. Aizawa spoke again "I'm sorry for you're loss Kirishima..... you're older brother Zachery Kirishima and his wife Midnight Kirishima have agreed to take you into their Custody until you are 18" he said Then turned to leave. I still hadn't moved from Bakugou's chest. Mina let go wiping her tears and went to the kitchen. She came back and handed me a cup of hot coco. I thanked her silently sitting back down tears still running down my face, I didn't want to talk. I sat up on the couch drinking it as Bakugou rubbed circles round my back. A few of my classmates left giving a hug or a smile. It was just my squad I begged them not to go so we sat in silence I appreciated then and their presence made me feel slightly better. then after about half an hour I spoke "t-thank you guys for staying I just didn't want to be alone right now" I said trying to smile. "Of course kiri we're your friends" Jirou said with a smile. "Hey why don't we have a sleepover at my dorm" Mina said also trying to Smile. She was part of our family so she was almost as heartbroken as me. We all agreed and decided to meet there in half an hour.

I went to my dorm changed brushed my teeth after taking a warm shower I cried the whole time. Then I picked up my phone and called Aki's Number I knew she wasn't going to answer out part of me wanted to hear her cherry voice with my little siblings running and playing in the background. No answer I then fell to the ground crying and crying harder as it hit me they really weren't here. Then got up washed my face again grabbed my phone and stepped out of my dorm. I walked a floor up to Mina's dorm. Denki Bakugou and Jirou were the only ones there. They said Mina and Sero went out to buy snacks. I went and sat next to Bakugou with my head on his shoulder and one of his strong muscular yet soft and comforting arms wrapped around my waist. I listened to the three of them talk chucking from time to time at how silly they were Mina and Sero got back soon after with snacks. We talked played games and laughed even though I had to fake it but they we're trying so hard to cheer me up. They eventually fell asleep. Mina and Sero on the bed me lying closest to he door with Kat spooning my comfortingly and Denki and Jirou by the Balcony door. Everyone was asleep but me. I grabbed my phone to see a text from Zach and a few missed calls. I picked up my phone slowly making my way out of Kat's grip and to the door. I went back to my dorm and called Zach. When he answered I just couldn't help but break down. He tried comforting me but I knew it hurt him just as bad. We talked a little remembering funny memories chuckling though tears. Then he spoke sternly. "The funeral is taking place on Saturday......I sent invites to family and friends....Even the Bakugou's if that's ok" i murmured an "it's fine see you in three days I guess" then hung up it was midnight so I just got on my bed. Pulling my knees to my chest and cried for hours until my head was pounding and I couldn't cry anymore. So I sat there feeling empty staring at the " crimson riot" poster next to my bed. She was one of my favorite Artists her music really moved me. Then soon the sun began to rise but I didn't care I didn't want to move. I just wanted to go back in time. Go back to Aki and Toga and Dabi and mom and Dad. I wanted my family back.

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