(14) Moving in

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I woke up to the bright sunlight shining directly into my eyes. I  opened my eyes halfway as I felt around the bed. When I couldn't feel Kat next to me I slightly panicked. I always woke up before him. "I'm right here," kat said he was seated at the foot of the queen-sized bed with his phone in his hand. "Oh morning," I said sitting up rubbing my eyes and finally opening them with a small smile. "Morning," he said as he planted a kiss on my forehead. "Why'd you get us so early?" I asked as I moved to sit next to him. "Oh remember we're going to check out some houses" "hmmm I completely forgot" I rose to my feet heading the bathroom. "I'll go make breakfast don't take too long we leave in like two hours but still," he said walking out. I just grabbed my phone putting on my playlist, and getting ready.

"I like this one it has a spacious backyard and has enough bedrooms for each of us to have our own even if each couple is sharing it's nice to have extra rooms I vote for it plus we can even walk to U.A. if we want," Denki said as we walked into the house's kitchen. This was the fifth house and we couldn't seem to agree on one.

The first one was and I quote 'too bright' for Denki I agree though putting all white tiles, walls, and counters wouldn't suit us. The second one Sero and Kat didn't like it I don't even remember why. I hated the third one because each wall was a different color I know we could just repaint it but still, I just didn't like it the vides were wired? I don't know how to describe it. The fourth one we all agreed was too small.

So here we are. So far no major criticism just small things we could fix easily. "Yea I like this one too," Mina said opening the door to the backyard. " I don't hate it" kat shrugged. I hummed as we stepped down the steps to the grass. "So anyone who doesn't like it speak up or forever hold your peace" Mina laughed. "I think we found the one" Sero said turning to the Agent who was taking us around. "Great I'll let the landlord know" she replied walking away on the phone. "So we're doing this," I said with a sigh. "We're doing this!" Mina and Denki pumped their fists in the air.

We went back inside talking about what we're bringing so we knew where to put things. Since we had four extra rooms. Jirou made one a studio for all her instruments. And Me, Denki, and Mina wanted to make one a hung out with a pool table and maybe a tv specifically for video games. We started planing it as Kat and Sero who were the most responsible of the group were talking to the Agent about rent and when we can move in.

I was super excited I got to go to my dream Collage and I'm living in a house with my boyfriend and closest friends. Being honest I'm so glad to have them. Because I'm sure if they weren't there for me during my hard times I'd probably have become depressed or something, or that's what my Aunt said and she's a therapist.

Anyway, we're not talking about my mental health here.  The landlord came over and we let Kat and Sero handle that as we walked around planning everything. We all realized we'd have to go shopping for furniture because we wouldn't have anything except the things in our bedrooms and Jirou's instruments, Plus Kat was going to bring some of his favorite cooking utensils. Me, Mina, and Jirou were talking about interior decor, we even decided to have a picture wall and print all the pictures we have together so it's like one big collage. We went online and added a bunch of stuff to the out cart because the guys said they'd just leave decoration to us and they'd focus on fixing up the things like changing light bulbs and repainting some walls.

It's been five weeks and the house is coming together. We got furniture and even set up everything all that was left was to move in. I spent a lot of time Making sure Me and Kat's bedroom was perfect. Denki even surprised Jirou my making her little studio soundproof so she could 'Jam out to her heart's content' as he said.
Me and Mina even fished out a little hung out room and furnished the guest room. I got a part-time job at forever 21 so I make enough money to support me and still enjoy life.

We moved in finally. The first thing we did was sit in the living room and go over the rules. Nobody objected and we all added some Mina even made a poster it looked like:

   The rules of our little household
(Sero, Mina, Denki, Jirou, Kiri, Baku)

#1. Knock before you enter anyone's room

#2. If you don't want people to touch your food label it or something.

#3. Make sure everyone knows before you have guests over.

#4. Mina and Denki aren't allowed to cook. (Bakugou and Sero)

#5. No throwing parties unless everyone agrees

#6 don't pack your car behind someone else's. (That was Sero)

#7. Don't touch my shit (Bakugou)

#8. Don't make too much noise past 10 pm.

#9. Clean up your mess! (Sero)

#10. Don't watch and anime or anything we started together without everyone. (Denki and Kiri)

She even highlighted it, colored it and everything then put it by the door above the shoe rack. We we're all super excited about it. We watched movies till late laughing and talking.

They were my family they always have been. We talked about how excited we're to start Collage in three months. Turns out we had most classes at the same time so we could even go together. Since Kat wanted to be a cop had to do some law so he'd join us sometimes but other times he'd be going for physical training and whatever cops do. Well, my life was going well and in two weeks I'd be meeting all my old classmates before we go our different ways...well most of us.

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