(24) Kiri snaps

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"Hey Hen come in" I fake smiled as I opened the door wider for her to enter. "So this is where you live ha? Not bad" was this bitch for real? I just sighed "umm thanks I guess WA- WHERE are you going" I cut myself off as she made her way up the stairs. "Hmm just wanna explore the house" she shrugged. "Well I'd appreciate it if you didn't dinner is almost ready lets go to the kitchen you can meet Kat" I honestly couldn't believe her.

"Oh so he can cook I see why you keep him around" I could practically feel Kat's frustration and anger. "Well this is my boyfriend Bakugou and Kat this is Henarly" Kat sighed setting down the carrot he was cutting plus the knife "Nice to meet you Ei talk as a lot about you" I could tell he was trying to be nice. "She does? Awww Kiri yea anyway what's for dinner I'm starving" she said patting her stomach. We both looked at her in disbelief.  "Well Kat I'll leave you to continue in peace if you need any help just call me we'll be in the living room" and with that I pushed her out.

"So wanna play a game?" She asked. "Umm sure" although I didn't like the grin she had on her face. "Ok truth or dare" I knew it. "Ok you can go first"

"Truth or dare"
"Umm truth"
"What's your sexuality?" Wow talk about getting to the point.
"I'm straight my turn turth or dare?"
"Ok why'd you chose to be a doctor?"
"Well it's one of the most well paying jobs. Now to make it fun you can't choose truth twice in a row" at this point I wasn't suprised.
"Ok so dare me then" I knew I was in for a ride
"I dare you to...ummmm break up with your boy toy over there" that just threw me off I was tired of this now "ummmm no thanks also don't you dare call him that ever again" I'm done with her shit.

"Wow calm down first it was a dare so you have to. Second I'm just saying you might not be straight how would you know if you don't try something new." God I was so oblivious she was trying to hit on me I think. "Yea I'm not interested I'm happy with Kat so if your thinking of trying anything just give up"

"Hmmmm ok well sorry I won't let's just be friends ya?" I knew I shouldn't but "ok sure". "Hey guys food Is done" I was eager to go eat so she could leave. We all took a seat at the small round table with four chairs surrounding it. I sat next to Kat and she sat across from me.

"So how long have you guys been together again?"
"Actually out ten year anniversary is coming up soon" I smiled taking a bite of my food."oh really ten years and you still haven't proposed are you even serious about the relationship?" She pointed her spoon at Kat. This isn't going to end well. "Just what are you implying?" He sneered.

Well if it was highschool Kat this table would be split in half, food everywhere and she'd probably be in a hospital bed. "What is he deaf too?" I slammed my hand on the table standing up."Henarly that's enough I'm tired of you being such an asshole if you came here to insult my boyfriend - just leave" they both looked at me in shock. I was always so nice and calm. But this was too far even for me to tolerate. "Kiri I-" "I'm serious you seemed so nice but ever since we hung out outside of work I realized your not close to the person you pretend to be so just get out of my house"

Kat slammed his fist down too. "You heard her go"
"Jeze can't even take a joke fine I'm gone" and with that she left.

"Wow she actually got the Ejira Kirishima to snap man she must really be a bitch then" Denki laughed  and we all joined him.

"Yea no shit I've know her all her life and never heard of her snapping this bad" Mina chocked out between laughs.

After she left we called the squad since they wanted to know how it went. Honestly I'm glad I snapped because Ejira Kirishima doesn't take shit from anyone. After the call me and Kat put on a playlist of our favorite songs and cleaned up the house dancing and singing along. I really didn't mind spending the rest of my life like this.

But I got up the next morning sighing st the fact I'd have to see Henarly again. I really loved my job I mean helping people gave me a feeling of happiness and I felt even better when I save a life. Knowing I saved someone the pain of going what I went through.

"Have a good day at work" I said kissing Kat as he left. "you too princess" I didn't have to leave for another hour. I got out my phone and decided to text Mina to pass time.

When I got there I was both suprised and relived not to see Henarly there.

~Time skip to after work because I'm fucking lazy sorry~

I decided to take Kat to Italy for our ten year anniversary. I myself was super excited. Now i need to ask him but I want it to be a suprise so I won't tell him where we're going.
"Hey Kat for out anniversary I planned a trip so do you think you could take that week off?" I already asked if I could and I was told I could even take two.

"Oh sure but where are we going?" He asked looking down our chrimson eyes meet.

"That's a suprise" I tiptoed kissing him lightly then walking away.

Soon my phone rang I was expecting to see Mina or something but when I saw Henarly I denied. But she kept calling over and over. I picked up.

"Oh Hey Kiri I just wanted to let you know personaly that I'll be moving to Italy so I'll miss you. That's why I was so confident Knowing it was my last week there anyway"

"Ummm ok good for you bye" well Itlay is off the list I'm not taking the chance of running into her I'll find somewhere else.

"Wow never heard you so rude before let me guess it was that bitch?" I turned to see Kat leaning on the kitchen counter. "Yea apparently she's moving to Italy" I sighed. We continued talking as I made dinner then we sat and ate. Tommorow was Saturday so I didn't have to go to work and Kat had an early but short shift so he'd be back by 11am. We ate taking about everything and anything without a care in the world just like in highschool.

Kat was out on his shift and wasn't going to be back for another  hour. I was wondering what to do when my phone rang I checked the caller ID to see my brother

"Hey what's up Zach"

"Hey Ei how are you?"

"Good you?"


We talked some more catching up and laughing I even told him about Henarly. He told me how his son is staring middle school next week and how excited his wife was. Then he spoke quietly but sternly

"Hey Ei have you gone to the old house yet?"
"Nope haven't found there since I found out they died"
I sighed I didn't want to talk about it. I knew he'd ask me to go because one of the therapists I had in highschool told him it'd be best for me to go so I can fully let go. But I just couldn't. And every since he'd always try to convince me to I always brushed it off saying I will or I don't have time.

"Ei......could you plea-"
"ZACH please don't I know your concerned about me but I'm fine I still visit them at least every month now and on thier birthdays and mother's day nd father's day. I still talk to them I- I'm fine now plus I'm not some high school kid anymore I'm a grown ass woman with a job and a house and a life so didn't worry about me ok?"

"Ei I know but I still get worried I mean as your big bother I just feel the urge to be there for you to protect you"

"Zach you worry to much just calm down don't worry about me plus if anything happens you and Kat are my emergency contacts so you'll know and I won't hesitate to call you about anything"

"Ok ok I'll stop worrying but I have to go now don't be a stranger"

"See ya" I sighed setting down my phone. I knew he was right I had to go it's been nine years. I didn't realize I was so deep in thought about it until I heard a car pull into the driveway. And Kat came home. We spent the rest of the day going shopping, having fun, cuddling, and falling asleep together.

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