(26) Australia

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I got out of the car pulling out my suitcase from the back and pulled it over to join Kat where he was standing. "Wow I can't believe you actually bought us tickets to Australia" he smiled. "Well I know it's on your bucket list of places to see" I smiled as we walked into the hotel. "Hi we have a room reserved under the name Kirishima" I smiled at the man seated at the front desk. "Oh yes you're here for six days and five nights. Here's your room key room 463" he smiled. "Thanks so much" "no problem enjoy your stay.

We got up to our room and didn't waste time changing, grabbing our phones and wallets, and I also brought one of my cameras. We were only here for five days after all. I wanted to stay longer but Kat had something planned so the day before or anniversary we'd fly back. Then the actual day was when his 'suprise' was

We walked out of the hotel. "So today I was thinking we could go around shopping and exploring" I smiled as he grabbed my hand. "Sounds good to me"

We walked though the streets we stopped at a bridge to take pictures and admire the view. Then had lunch at a small cafe. After we were done we took at taxi to the mall. They didn't have most of the stores we have back home but they also had different ones I've never heard of. We walked from store to store. I ended up buying some clothes and plushies. Kat saw a bunch of cool things like the chains he liked to put in his pants, and he also got some clothes. and we also bought things for our friends.

Once we finshed at the mall we called a cab and went back to the hotel. We we're drained I mean we just flew it, walked around the whole day. Then shopped for hours takes a lot out of you.

"Well day one was amazing" I smiled getting out of the shower. "Yep this was amazing idea thanks princess" Kat smiles. "I'm glad you having fun" we continued to talk until he took a shower then we went down for dinner. We ordered our food and sat at a table together.

"So what's Ei got planned for tommorow?" He asked taking a sip of his water. "Well we'd go explore the other side of town then in the evening I got us tickets to a show at the huge opera house" I smiled. "Oh wow Ei you really went all out" he chuckled. "Of course I did" we laughed. We sat in a comfortable silence the sound of soft jazz music and light chatter around us. He was looking around admiring the room but all I could do was look at him.

His deep red eyes reflecting what he was looking at a small smile on his lips. His ash blonde hair I just loved everything about this man. Soon the waiter come with our food. We dug in talking some more I went on about how I'd totally be the cool aunt for Mina and Sero's child.

"Kat come onnnnn" I pulled his wrist dragging him up the street. "Slow down we still have like three hours before we have to go back to the hotel" he sighed. "Yea exactly I need time to see everything and take amazing pictures" I smiled.

We walked around as I took lots of pictures of the beautiful sights we saw and even more of Kat. We bought some things for our friends and family. The went back to change for the show.

I wore a red dress with black heels and a black purse with gold jewelry. Kat wore a suit with a red tie to match my dress and a silver watch on his wrist which was a gift from his dad. We arrived staring at the huge opera house. There we're people coming from thier cars dressed up. We made our way to the entrance.

We sat down on our seats Kat was at the end of the row and next to me a girl about my age sat.
There was some play about a girl who was to scared to tell a guy her feelings so she would write him letters and he thought it was someone else.

I watched silently like everyone else. But being honest it was boring most people including us we're here for the next act. It was an word famous ochestra and I remembered Kat saying he used to listen to thier music when he was younger. so when I saw they we're performing I had to get us tickets.

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