(23)Kiri is worried sick.

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Today Kat was going with the detective and all. I was anxious I even asked Malica the lady at the front desk to let me know when an ambulance is about to bring in an injured patient. I sat there of course after losing my whole family the thought of losing someone else scared me to death and not to mention the most important person to me.

"Hey Kiri you ok?" I turned to see Henarly. "Well if I'm being honest not really" I sighed sinking deeper into the seat I was in. "Wanna tell me what's up?"
"Well my boyfriend...." "You have a boyfriend?" She asked. "Yea we've been together since highschool" I was suprised she didn't know I'm sure I talked about him before. "Anyway go on" "well my boyfriend is a cop and they are going to some gangs hideout so I'm worried he'll get injured y'know" I tilted my head in her direction.

"Yea don't worry I'm sure he's fine" she smiled akwardly. "Yea thanks anyway how's your day going saw a crying, toddler coming your way earlier" I laughed trying to get my mind off worry about Kat. "Yea that was a handful and to make it worse he was here for a shot I had to call a nurse to hold him down" she laughed. "Been there" we talked some more until I got a text from Mina saying to turn on the news. She knew what I was stressing over because I went on a rant about it this morning.

I opened the news on my phone watching it live. It showed where Kat was although I couldn't see him in the camera view. I watched some guys being brought out in handcuffs. Some of the cops were badly injured I saw some being taken away in an ambulance. But sighed in relief when I saw Kat he was standing so he was good. He had a couple of bruses but nothing looked to bad.

"So which one is he?" Shit I completely forgot she was here. "Oh the ash blond red eyes a couple of bruises" I made a mental note to check them out when I got home. "Ohhh that one?" "Yep that's him" we both watched him talking to Eze. "Not bad" she stuck out her lip nodding her head. I just hummed.

"Hey one of.you is needed in here we got an ambulance heading in" I heard Dr. Antonio shout. "Well see ya in a bit I guess" then she stood and left. Mina called me. "See I told you he'd be fine" I let out a small chuckle "yea but I don't think I'll live that long if he keeps worrying me like this" I sighed and we both laughed. She told me she was considering the brand name 'Alien Queen' or 'Pinky' of course I was all for alien queen. After a while I had to go so we said out goodbyes.

"Oh Kiri could we hung out this weekend" Henarly asked me. "Ummmm I don't think I have anything planned so why not?" I opened the door to my car. "yayyyy I'll text you then" "alright later Henarly" I got in. "Oh just call me Hen it's what all my friends call me" she smiled and stepped away from the car as I closed my door with a smile and drove home.

I was so anxious to see Kat. God he made me worried sick. When I was about to open the door it swang open and kat wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up and spinning around. "Welcome home princess" he smiled setting me down. "Wow someone's In a good mood" I laughed stepping in. "Yep today was awesome" he laughed. "Yea not for me I was worried sick to the core"I sighed slipping off my shoes.

"What why I promised you didn't I?" "Yes you did but I couldn't help it you know but I relaxed when I saw the news and all you had was a few scars" I kissed his cheek. "Thanks for keeping your promise" he murmured something like "just wait till I keep them all" I didn't really hear him that well or understand so I just shrugged it off and went upstairs to change into something more comfortable. And went to check his wounds he got them treated already so I changed the bandage on his arm and we cuddled the rest of the night.

                     The weekend

"Hey Kiri" I smiled and walked over to Henarly oh I mean Hen. "Hey" I sat on the opposite side of the table. We we're at the corner of a small cafe. It was filled the smell of coffee and baked good. It has the homey feel and wasn't that crowded infact besides us there we're three other tables two of them being couples and one was a group of university students who were busy working on thier laptop with light chatter among themselves.

"This place is nice how'd you discover it?" I looked around. "Oh I worked here when I was in collage"
"Cool I wish I would have worked somewhere so nice" I smiled. We talked for about an hour it was mostly akward silence or her taking about stuff I wasn't really interested in. Being honest to wanted to go home and cuddle it Kat or something. I was ready to leave when she started talking trash about people we worked with. But when I was about to

She said she had somewhere she wanted us to go. So we asked for the bill. I found it a bit rude that she just stood there expecting me to pay but I just took out my card and payed then we left.

"Come on" she said pulling me up a hill. "Ok ok I'm coming" I followed close behind trying to focus on my balance as she continued to pull my hand until we got to the top. "Isn't it beautiful" she smiled as we stood on the top of a hill that was overlooking a field full of cherry blossom trees. "Yea it is" I smiled as we sat. "So why'd you bring me here not that I don't like it I was just wondering" still looked forward. I could feel her turn towards me then back to the view.

"I don't know I just felt like it" after she said that we both sat in an akward silence. "So how's stuff what was his name again Bakuhoe" I could tell she did that on purpose but shrugged. "Bakugou Katsuki" I corrected
"Oh well that's kind of a dumb name" she laughed. "So you brought me here to make fun of my boyfriend's name or?" I was ready to leave.

To be honest I was disappointed I thought she was such a nice person. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to offend you anyway I'd love to meet him next time" I thought for a moment there definitely won't be a next time.  I just said "Sure anyway I should go home now he's probably waiting for me" I stood and got ready to leave when she grabbed my hand.

"Let's do this again soon how about next weekend"she smiled tilting her head. "I'm sorry I'm busy next weekend" I lied. "Oh how about one day after work" "well I usually spend my time after work with Kat since we don't see each other the whole day" I really didn't want to hurt her but I didn't wanna hung out with her we just didn't vibe.

"Oh how about one day I drop by for dinner so I can meet him" she mailed before I could respond she spoke again. "I'm free Thursday so see yea for dinner Thursday"

"Wow so she invited you for coffee made you pay then insulted your boyfriend and proceeded to invite herself over of dinner on Thursday?" Mina asked.

"That's pretty messed up stop being so since and tell her no" Jirou said you could see Denki  in the background say. "Jirou is right"

"That's what I told her" Kat said as Mina hummed in agreement.

"Guys to know Ei is too nice to do that" Sero laughed resting his head on Mina's shoulder.

We we're currently on a video call. Mina and Sero cuddling as Mina held the phone. Jirou was on the bed with Denki sitting on a desk behind her working on his art but adding comments and jokes from time to time. I was sitting on the floor with Kat on the couch behind me.

"Look Ei this girl is clearly not the kind of person you wanna friend with so just cancel." Jirou shrugged.

"I know we but she seemed so nice like I'd known her for a year sure we didn't talk that much but she seemed so nice and she's a asshole all of a sudden" I sighed.

"Why don't you just let her come over see how she acts if she's still and assphat block her and don't take her shit. But If she's not then idk" Mina said.

"Yes will do now let's talk about something else." I chuckled.

We spent hours talking, making jokes, planning our next meet up, and more. God I miss living with these idots as chaotic as it was.

"Ok guys we've been taking for three hours now and I have to be at the studio early tommorow so see ya soon" Jirou and Denki waved as we a shouted goodbye. "Well Mina I'll talk to you tommorow as usual. Sero take care of her for me" I laughed and me and Kat said goodbye before hunging up.

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