(20) Paris

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"were here finally" I cheared as we got out of the taxi and stood in front of our hotel. "The squad Is officialy in paris" Mina cheered entering the building as we all followed pulling out suitcases with us. I made sure to keep the ring perfectly safe. Sero was planning to propose tomorrow and I was nervous for him even though I knew for a fact she'll say yes.

"Here your room keys" the lady behind the counter handed me the keys as I have one to Sero and the other to Jirou then gave ours to Kat since we decided the most 'responsible' one in the relationship keeps the room key. "Kk how about we all go to our rooms and meet back down in time for dinner since it's only two hours till dinner time" Mina said as she read the hotels schedule. "Sounds good"
"Kat come here" I whined as he shrugged and left his suitcase. He flopped down next to me on the king sized bed. "What's up?" He asked laying his head on my stomach. "Nothing I just want to cuddle" I smiled. "Of course but before you end up falling asleep and being too cute to moved" he smiled getting off. "Two seconds I'll be back I need food want anything?" He asked as he opened the door. "No thanks just hurry" I smiled at him. "Ok princess" I smiled as I watch him go and out the door behind him.
After some time he came back with a bunch of snacks in his hands. "Hey I'm backkkkk" "I can see that need help?" I laughed watching him toss all of them on the bed. "I go you your favorite jelly and chocolate I know you said you don't want anything but I know you better" he laughed as I quickly grabbed the jelly and oppend fit grabbing a spoon and digging in.

Me and Kat cuddled until. "Dinner time bitches" there she was my best friend standing at the foot of the bed her pink hair with those bright yellow clips in it. "Yea yes we're coming pinky" Kat shrugged getting up.

We are dinner enjoying and laughing then I decided to go out for a breath of fresh air because the dining hall was so stuffed. So after I finished eating I left. As I stood outside looking at the pool that was a few feet infront of me. Watching the stars shine. I smiled and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I imagined my future with Kat. I really loved him but I wasn't in a hurry to marry him because I knew we we're always going to be together.
"Let's go to the top" I said pulling Kat's arm as the others trailed behind us Mina stoping for pictures every now and then. We all walked towards the Eifel tower. I was glad we agreed Kat should keep the ring because Mina is a touchy person so when she was hugging him she could have definitely felt the box if she didn't the first time she would have the other ten times she hugged him or even put her hands in his jacket pockets.

We agreed Kat would give it to him while I distracted Mina for a sec. As we walked a kid bumped into Kat causing him to fall over I held my breath and froze as I saw the box fall out. Mina who was right behind him picked it up and I pretended not to be paying attention instead I continued to walk a little. I also saw Sero freeze.

"You hide that please" Kat said sounding nervous. "What's it for?" Mina asked. "It's for Ei now give before she sees it" wow nice save I would have totally fucked that up. I decided to play along. I turned on my heel and pretend to be shocked to see my boyfriend on the ground and also acted like I didn't see Mina hide the box behind her back.

"Oh Kat are you Ok?" I asked helping him up. "Yea fine babe" "good" I kissed his cheek and turned ready to walk back but I made sure Mina handed him back the box with a thumbs up. Then pulled him away.

"That was close nice save" I giggled. "Yea I'm just glad she bought it" he laughed. Then Sero came up. "Thanks guys you really saved it she totally buys it and is going on about how happy she is for you guys" he laughed pointing his thumb behind us where Mina was talking excitedly to Denki and Jirou. The three of us laughed. "Yes we'll I hope your ready because we'll only be up there for like ten minutes before she gets bored" I laughed.

We got to the top looking at the view when I noticed Sero give me the signal. I grabbed Mina and pulled her to the other side. Jirou and Denki decided to get some food or something so we didn't have to distract them. "We gotta take a selfie my instagram have to know we're here" I laughed as she grabbed the phone from me and proceeded to take like ten pictures before Kat come a round.
"Hey Mina can you go ummmm Sero wants to talk to you" he said I could tell he was trying to make her think he was about to do it. "Ohhh ok" she winked at him before skipping back to Sero.

Me and Kat talked and then heard a farmiliar high pitched squeel and a "OMG YESSSSS" then laughter. "Well that went well" I laughed leaning on the railing besides my boyfriend. "Yep but I think I might be deaf now" he laughed. Then Mina came around with Sero behind her. "Omg you guys tricked meeee" she laughed. "Let me see ittttt" I squeeled almost like her as she stuck out her hand for me to examine before we both proceeded to jump up and down like kids.

After we were done we split up Sero had a romantic evening planed for them so me and Kat set out to go explore. We went hiking and took lots of pictures then went to get some lunch. As we held hands walking around the huge mall going from store to store. Suddenly my phone rang. I wasn't going to answer it but Kat insisted saying he had to go to the bathroom anyway.

"Hey Ejira"
"Izuku what's up?"
"Oh we just finished settling in at the hotel and I was wondering what you guys are up too I saw Mina and Sero's engagement photos on instagram so I know they aren't with you"

"Oh you came and who is we?"

"It's me, Todoroki, Momo, Shinsou and, Ururaka"

"Oh we're at the mall ummmm I can't remember what it's called but the huge one on ludo street"

"But Denki and Jirou aren't with us I don't know where they went off too"

"Yes they're with us we met them when we got here we're all headed you way"

"Alright see you soon"

"Who was that?" Kat asked as we walked into hot topic. "Oh it was Izuku. He's in his way here with Momo, Todoroki, Shinsou, and Ururaka and Jirou and Denki" I said picking up shirt. We shopped but stopped when we got a text saying they were here. We payed for our stuff and hurried to meet our friends.

We spent the whole day just hunging out and stuff. We did some shopping and ended the day with ice cream. As we caught up. So turns out Midorya and Todoroki are dating. Momo has a roommate who she's totally crushing on. Denki got us kicked out of a store because he was well being Denki. We ended the day with dinner at the hotel and went to bed. We hadn't see Mina or Sero but I called just to make sure they're ok. Of course Mina got 'mad' at me because I shouted. "Use protection I don't wanna be an aunt yet~" before I hung up resulting in my phone blowing up with calls and messages from her.

We had a fun week in Paris exploring and shopping celebrating. We even had a small engagements party for the two. But Ururaka had to leave after two days . And Shinsou left the day before us. We said our goodbyes to the rest as we got on our different flights and headed home. That was one of the best weeks of my life.

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