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"You and I are one and the same

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"You and I are one and the same. I am...your future. I will become your present. You will have no one. I am going to unhinge your mind until you go insanely mad. Your own brother won't even recognize you, you will be completely-"


Looking at myself in the mirror, I ran my hand over the yellow locket that I had been wearing since I was gifted it on Christmas by Him. The locket's purpose was unclear to me since it had still just remained as a necklace. I tried to do research on the subject, but the only thing that I knew was that it was Slytherin's Locket. The burning sensation began to shoot through my arm causing me to yell out in pain.

"Sera! Sera, what's wrong?" Draco asked opening the door. I was kneeling on the ground gripping my arm to try and create a new pain for my mind to think about rather than the nasty tingling burn that was driving me mad. I felt his soft touch on my arm as well as his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

A sudden sweep of darkness washed over me, causing me to uncontrollably slap his hands away.

"I'm fine! Get out!" I yelled standing up. He looked at me confused as if I weren't just kneeling helplessly on the ground.

"Are you an idiot? I said leave!" Pushing him out of my bedroom, I slammed the door shut on his face. Standing in the center of my room, I tried to calm myself down before I could do anything stupid, but it was completely useless. Turning around, I was met with my own distressed reflection. Disgusted with my own self, I picked up one of the heaviest books I could find and threw it at the mirror watching as the reflective glass shattered on impact.

In the broken glass, I could see a part of myself that I never imagined I would witness. It was a dark thought that had come to life; an evil version of myself stared back at me. The reflection showed me completely battered. My clothes were torn and I had cuts and scrapes covering my exposed skin. I looked like hell, but even despite all of that, I had a smile spreading across my face. It wasn't a happy optimistic smile, it was dark and terrifying. The eyes that stared back at me were red and full of bloodlust.

The dark version of myself began to move closer towards the mirror as I began to move farther away from it. The closer it grew, the more the atmosphere felt like it was closing in on me. Strong winds from outside, blew in the windows as that glass swung up. My room felt like a tornado had just blown into it. The pieces of the broken mirror began to put itself back together as I tried to see past my long hair that was flowing in the powerful wind. The final missing piece placed itself as the mirror was whole once again.

Now that I could see the image more clearly, in the background I could see the large castle. I was at Hogwarts, but why? Behind me, the Death Eaters started to assemble as my dark self and the others began to try and break the barrier between what I thought was my imagination and reality. I lifted my wand, but before I could cast a spell the figure spoke. "You're a joke! Pathetic! You don't have what it takes to do the Dark Lords bidding. Don't worry, you'll see what you'll eventually bring yourself to willingly do. You'll learn that stupid Harry Potter and his mudblood and blood traitor friends aren't as strong as they thought they were. You weren't as weak as you thought you were. And as for Draco...he learned that family doesn't always mean everything." I watched in horror as the figure stepped out of the way revealing another version of myself killing Draco.

Going back into the frame of the mirror, the figure began to speak once again. "You and I are one and the same. I am...your future. I will become your present. You will have no one. I am going to unhinge your mind until you go insanely mad. Your own brother won't even recognize you, you will be completely-"

"REDUCTO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs before the dark figure of myself could pull itself out through the mirror. The shards became fine sand as they were carried out by the wind; whipping past me, shutting the window as it escaped. I crawled into a corner feeling my warm tears stream down my face as I pulled my knees up, hugging them as I cried in fear; fear that I would soon become the evil version that I had just witnessed.

The horrible image of my dead brother filled my mind causing a terrible blood-curdling scream to be released from my body as I sobbed. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling at it as the madness slowly started to settle in. Not only was I being driven insane, but I also started to feel another burning, only this time it hadn't been on my arm. I reached the spot where the locket had been worn. My neck was red, brightly red, from the burns. They didn't seem to be going away, only leaving a feeling of excruciating pain and a mark where the chain had been placed around my neck. One burn, in particular, caused me to scream loudly once again.

"SERA!" Draco yelled. I woke up in his arms looking around the room. He knelt on the ground, holding me. His face covered in sheer panic. I scrambled to regain control over my own body again, pulling him into the tightest hug I think I have ever given him.

"What happened to me?" I asked pulling away.

"I don't know. I heard a scream as I was walking through the corridor. I opened the door and I saw you kneeling on the ground holding your left arm. Then, you quickly grabbed your locket standing up. I asked what was wrong, but you completely ignored me. It was scary, your eyes turned a deep shade of red. You were talking to yourself but it seemed like you were talking to someone else. Before I knew it, you were shouting the Reductor Curse at me. If I hadn't protected myself so quickly, I would've been blown up into bits." He explained.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. It was like a dream, but it felt so real."

"What did you see?" He asked.

I explained the whole thing to him. By the end, he seemed scared, but he was trying his best not to show it, for my sake.

Authors Note: bruh this shit literally doesn't make sense, but you know what? let's just go with it 😛😼

———Authors Note: bruh this shit literally doesn't make sense, but you know what? let's just go with it 😛😼

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 | h.p.Where stories live. Discover now