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"He's incredible! He's nice, caring, braver than you'll ever be, attrac-"

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"He's incredible! He's nice, caring, braver than you'll ever be, attrac-"


"I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out."

Those were the last words I heard before feeling my whole body be submerged under the collection of golden valuables.

As I tried to dig my way through the pile, I felt a hand wrap around my wrist pulling me up. The boy and I fell over, causing me to land right on top of him; I put my arms out before I completely fell. "Are you okay?" Harry asked.

I nodded.

"I think so-" I said turning my head, losing my train of thought. Our faces were close enough that we could feel each other breathing. My heart beat rapidly in my chest as we locked eyes. What felt like a million years was wrapped into a two-second moment when I realized that I was practically straddling him.

Ron and Hermione made it out of the overflowing vault while the two of us got up. I could feel my cheeks redden into a rose color as I looked up from the ground.

"Thieves!" We heard the voice of the Goblin yell. "Thieves! Help!" The four of us ran up to the railing, watching as Griphook used the clanker to distract the dragon as he called for help.

"Griphook!" yelled Harry as the small goblin ran away with the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I stood there feeling betrayed.

"Foul little git. 'Least we've still got Bogrod." Ron said. We looked down at the Imperiused goblin who was moving his hand in front of him as if he was shaking a clanker. Still being in a daze, he hadn't even realized the large not-so-friendly being that stood before him. As if on queue with Ron's words, the dragon released a large breath of fire, leaving nothing but ash where Bogrod once stood.

"Or not," I replied with wide eyes as we exchanged the same terrified look.

"That's unfortunate." He breathed.

Spells whizzed past us as we all moved behind the rock walls as to not get hit. Different colors of blue and green illuminated as the spells missed. "We can't just stand here. Who's got an idea?"

"You're the brilliant one." Ron reminded.

"I've got something, but it's mad." Pulling out her wand, she aimed at the railing. "Reducto!" yelled Hermione, blasting away the metal. Giving herself a running start, she jumped onto the dragons back. "Well, come on, then." She said.

She was right, it was mad.

Harry, Ron, and I exchanged looks before repeating what Hermione had just done. "Relashio!" She yelled causing the chain on the dragon to release itself. We held on tightly to the large tusk-like spikes that extruded from the creature's spine, as it climbed its way out of the depths of Gringotts. Blasting through the bank, the dragon now stood on the roof of the building looking over Diagon Alley. Growing impatient, Hermione used the Reductor Curse once again, to make the dragon move.

The dragon began to take off as it soared through the air, over London.

Who knows how much time had passed when Harry noticed that the creature had begun to drop altitude. "I say we jump," Ron said with a shaky voice, not being so sure himself if it was a good idea. I looked down to see the large lake that was beneath us.

"When?" Hermione asked.

"Now!" All four of us let go, releasing our tight grip on the dragon's back.

Plummeting through the air, I took one last breath.

My body submerged under the cold water. As I opened my eyes, my vision was fogged by all the air bubbles that swarmed around me. Swimming up to the surface, I felt the familiar burning feeling in my left arm. I became more used to the pain, causing it to feel more uncomfortable rather than unbearable. Still, I felt as if my whole arm was going to burn off. Something was off, but what?

I gasped for air as I finally reached the surface, looking around at the familiar faces that also emerged from the water. Once we swam over to the land, Harry explained to us how Voldemort knows, about everything: how we've been hunting Horcruxes, how we broke into Bellatrix's vault; everything.

As Harry, Hermione, and Ron were arguing over what to do next, my thoughts only went to Draco. I left him practically alone. He's scared and has no one else to talk to about how he truly feels. I remembered how a couple of months ago, Draco came to me and told me that he didn't want to be apart of this anymore and that he wished he had listened to me when I told him not to join.

That same night, we recalled stories from our earlier years to try and brighten the mood, but even then, there weren't enough happy memories to lift the sadness and sorrow that was placed upon us.


"Why are you friends with that git Harry Potter?" Draco asked rolling his eyes as the two of us walked to Transfiguration together. It was around the beginning of fifth-year and I had just caught up to Draco after talking to Harry for the past hour.

"I don't see how you're not. He's incredible! He's nice, caring, braver than you'll ever be, attrac-"

"Braver than I'll ever be? That's insulting!" He dramatized.

"Well Draco, I don't think I need to remind you of the time when you got punched in the face by Hermione third year."

"No, you most definitely do not have to remind me." He scowled. He hated it when I mentioned it, but I found it funny to tease him with. Draco was too proud, and I think I just needed to wear him down just a little. "So what else were you going to say?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh uh nothing, I forgot." I said. Draco nodded his head as he entered the classroom. Before I entered as well, I looked over to see Harry smiling at me...or what I desperately wanted to believe was me. Checking over my shoulder, I noticed Cho Chang grinning back at him. Entering the classroom, I slid down into my seat that was directly beside my brother. "Forget what I said about Harry, I don't know what it is that I see in him."


I felt a hole in my heart start to form, as I recalled the incident. After that day, I didn't speak to Harry. In my mind, things were weird between us, but it was mainly my own fault.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 | h.p.Where stories live. Discover now