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"Quick tip on how I have to act to fit into my horrible family, I don't say good morning

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"Quick tip on how I have to act to fit into my horrible family, I don't say good morning."


"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asked as Hermione held up a strand of Bellatrix's hair that had fallen on her while we were at the manor.

"Positive." She said placing it into the Polyjuice Potion.

"Let me drink it. I am her niece, I'd do a better job acting like her than Hermione would." I suggested. Harry suspected that there would be another Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts. She had been so worried about what else we could have taken since we had the Sword of Gryffindor. So, we decided that it would be right to check in her vault. But, we had to sneak in, and doing that would be difficult, so that's where Griphook comes into play. He used to work at the bank, it should be easy for him to get us in.

Everyone waited for me outside while I drank the potion. My body began to shift quickly as I took the form of my aunt. I looked in the only mirror I could find disgusted with how I looked. But if it brought us any closer to killing Voldemort, then so be it. "Well? How do I look?" I asked meeting up with the rest of the group.

"Hideous." They all said in sync.

"Good." Griphook handed the sword over to Hermione to keep in her bag. Harry, Hermione, and Griphook wouldn't be able to fit under the Invisibility Cloak, so we gave Hermione a Polyjuice Potion to look like me. It was weird to see myself other than in a mirror's reflection. Since Bellatrix was my aunt, no one would think twice about me being with her; it was the perfect disguise.

We apparated in Diagon Alley. "Madam Lestrange. Ms. Malfoy." A passerby said as the two of us walked out of the small alleyway we were in. I nodded my head slightly but Hermione, on the other hand, panicked.

"Good morning." She said. The man looked at her weirdly but continued to walk off.

"Good morning? Quick tip on how I have to act to fit into my horrible family, I don't say good morning." I said pulling her back into the alley. Once she understood, we all entered the bank. As we walked up to the Head Goblin, Hermione was stumbling over her heels, not being used to constantly having to walk in them.

"I wish to enter my vault," I said think of the first thing that came to mind. It wasn't very Bellatrix Lestrange, but it would have to do.

"Identification?" The goblin said not even bothering to look up. This would be tougher than I had hoped for. Clearing my throat I released a short maniacal laugh.

"I hardly think that would be necessary, seeing as you already know who I am," I said folding my arms. Finally, he looked up analyzing my face.

"Madam Lestrange." He said. Before he asked any questions, the teller went into a back room.

"I don't like to be kept waiting," I said tapping my foot impatiently on the ground. Griphook whispered to us saying how they know that I'm not the real Bellatrix. I looked around the bank slowly as all the goblins watched us carefully. Behind us, a security guard approached. The teller came back with a new goblin.

"Madam Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?" Bogrod asked leaning slightly over the counter.

"So many questions," I said rolling my eyes. "I don't appreciate my time being wasted."

"It's the bank's policy. I'm sure you understand given the current climate."

"No. I most certainly do not understand."

"I'm afraid I must insist," Bogrod said. He inhaled and then sighed, changing his mood. "Very well Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me." He responded. A smirk plastered on my face as we all followed shortly behind. I'm guessing Harry used the Imperius Curse on the goblin. If he didn't use that, who knows what would've happened if we had gotten ourselves caught.

On our way down to the vault, we passed under the Theif's Downfall which washed away all of our enchantments. Hermione, Ron, and I all looked like ourselves again and the bank teller was no longer under the Imperius Curse. Once Griphook stopped the cart, it ejected us out causing us to begin to plummet through the large cave. "Arresto Momentum!" Hermione yelled causing us to land safely onto the ground below.

When we all got up, watching as the cart continued through the track, the teller began to protest about us being down in the vaults and how we were all thieves. "Imperio," I said before he could continue on. The sound of a large creature's roar echoed throughout the entire cave alarming us. Slowly, we approached where the sound was coming from. I froze in fear once I saw what was making the sound.

Of course, it had to be a dragon.

I hated dragons. They always terrified me, ever since I was a little girl. The feeling of someone's warm hand intertwined with mine caused me to snap out of my thoughts. Looking from the hand and back up again, I felt a bit safer knowing that Harry had my back no matter what. "It's okay, you're all right." He whispered to me. I nodded as we all continued past the massive, chained, Ukrainian Ironbelly.

"Blimey," said Harry as the four of us looked around the vault. The whole room was covered in precious belongings, making it even harder to identify which item was the Horcrux. As I was scanning a table, I noticed Harry's gaze fixed on something. Without paying attention, I nudged the table slightly causing a bracelet-sized golden ring to fall over. Hitting the ground, the object trebled before multiplying into five, then twenty-five; Harry not even paying attention to the scene.

"That's it. Up there," He said. I didn't pay much mind to what he had found, I was too focused on the multiply objects. Backing up, Ron knocked over a plate and a goblet, causing the items to split as well. Griphook mentioned something about the Gemino Curse being added to the vault; everything we touch will multiply.

Too focused to even realize what was happening behind him, Harry stood there trying to think of a way to reach the Horcrux. "Harry!" I yelled causing him to finally turn around. He looked around at the vault that was quickly filling up with more and more objects as each item knocked into the next.

"Give me the sword," said Harry to Hermione. She pulled the long silver blade out of her enchanted bag, tossing it to him. Trudging through the piling items, Harry attempted to use the sword to be able to get the cup. The rest of stood still as we watched the pile completely engulf him.

"Got it!" Harry yelled pushing past all the items. Falling over, the cup managed to fling itself off of the sword as Harry was trying to stand himself up again. I grabbed the cup, as did Griphook, causing us to attempt to tug it out of each other's grasp. He was small yet surprisingly strong."

"We had a deal Griphook."

"The cup for the sword." Harry quickly tossed it over as Griphook released his grip on the other handle of the cup. "I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out." The goblin taunted opening the vault of the door. The figure of him, escaping with the other bank teller, became smaller and smaller the farther they sped away. Everything around me started going black as the light slowly disappeared due to the piling objects. Attempting to pull myself out of the large mound, I felt my body somehow go farther down as it became harder to breathe.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 | h.p.Where stories live. Discover now