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"Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him

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"Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him."


We returned to Hogwarts.

After we escaped from Gringotts and landed in the lake, we apparated to Hogsmeade later that night. What we hadn't accounted for was the alarm that rang the second we appeared. As we were looking for a place to hide from the Death Eaters, Aberfoth, Dumbledore's brother, waved us into his home.

Harry explained to him how all four of us were hunting Horcruxes. After a quick dispute between the two, Neville Longbottom appeared behind the portrait of Dumbledore's sister. He led us through a tunnel that connected Hogwarts and Hogsmeade together. While we walked, Neville warned us about the Carrows and how much Hogwarts has changed since we had all been gone. He told us that the Carrow siblings enjoyed punishing the students; pointing to the cuts on his face that he had recently received for refusing to practice the Cruciatus Curse on first-years.

"Neville that's horrible." I sympathized. I would have refused as well, no matter the punishment. The curse is bad enough as it is, but to practice it on first-years? That's completely mental.

"You should see Seamus." He said.

We walked for what seemed like ages before actually making it to the school. "Let's have a bit of fun shall we?" Neville said pushing open what looked to be a picture frame. "Hey, listen up, you lot. Brought you a surprise."

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking, I hope. Be a surprise if we can digest it." I heard Seamus's voice say from the room. Neville moved over to the side to reveal Harry as Hermione, Ron, and I continued behind him. The room erupted with the sound of everyone clapping and cheering that Harry was back. I looked over the crowd of DA members that had significantly increased since we've been gone.

Harry explained the reason why the four of us were back. He described what we were looking for very vaguely. The only one who had any idea of what the last Horcrux could be was Luna. She told us about Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem. Surprised that no one knew what it was, she looked around to see if anyone had a clue of what it was she was talking about. "Hasn't anyone heard of it? It's quite famous," explained Luna.

"Yes, but Luna, it's been lost for centuries. There isn't a person alive who's seen it or even has the slightest idea of where it could be." I reminded. I don't remember where exactly it was that I had read about it, but I remember stumbling upon the subject when researching about the Sword of Gryffindor.

Running into the room, Ginny warned that Snape knew about us being spotted in Hogsmeade.

We all came up with a plan, it was simple, yet possibly flawed. As Gryffindor House marched in an orderly fashion through the school and into the Great Hall, Harry held my hand; wearing our old robes to blend in, we continued with the crowd. I didn't even realize the moment he intertwined our fingers until I glanced down. A small grin twitched at the corners of my lips as we kept walking.

Now in the Great Hall, Snape began to address the situation. "It's come to my attention," he began, "that earlier this evening...Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade." I looked up from the ground slightly to see the other students murmuring to each other about what had just been revealed to them. "Now...should anyone...student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter...they will be punished...in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression." Snape threatened.

It was a good thing I, technically, wasn't a student anymore.

"Furthermore...any person to have knowledge of these events...who fails to come forward...will be treated as...equally guilty." No one moved or said anything. It was silent in the hall, the only sound heard was the voice of Snape's obnoxiously monotone voice. "Now then...if anyone here...has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening...I invite them to step forward..." Snape paused; shoes tapping against the floor, as he strode between each house of students, echoing through the Great Hall, "...now." He finished.

Again, no one moved a muscle, until Harry stepped out in front of Snape. The shocked students looked at the boy as murmurs began to rise once again. "It seems, despite your exhaustive defense strategies...you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster." The doors to the hall flung open as Harry spoke, revealing each member of the Order: Kingsley, Remus Lupin, my cousin Tonks, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Fleur Delacour, Fred and George, Ron, Hermione, and even Dean and Neville stood beside them.

"How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them." Harry yelled. Hearing enough, Snape pulled his wand out, pointing it at Harry. My heart sunk in my chest as the sounds of gasps filled the room. Protecting him, Professor McGonagall stepped in front of Harry unhesitatingly. She as well had her wand ready. The students all pressed up against the walls as we all watched McGonagall duel Snape.

She was the first to attack. After he blocked it, she continued to send more firey spells in his direction. When each spell became to difficult to block, Snape apparated away in a panic. "Coward!" McGonagall yelled as the cloud of black smoke, darted out through the glass panes and into the night sky.

All the students began to cheer now that Snape was gone, but I couldn't help but notice Harry falling onto the steps. Sitting down, he had an almost frightened look plastered on his face. Slipping off the robe I had been wearing, I went to go over to him, but before I could, the room dimmed. The happy environment quickly felt cold and isolated once again. Three high pitched screams rang through the hall, followed by an even worse sound. My head began to pound as I heard His voice whisper in my head.

"I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter...and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

Once the whisper died down, I looked up in front of me to see Harry now standing in the center of the room, everyone else backing away. "What are you waiting for? Someone grab him." Pansy's voice echoed. I stepped in front of him, blocking him. Soon enough, the rest of the Order and the DA stood at Harry's side as well.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 | h.p.Where stories live. Discover now