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"You are truly cold-hearted, and I feel sorry for you

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"You are truly cold-hearted, and I feel sorry for you."


The sun now rose. It had been hours since Harry had gone into the Forbidden Forest. In that time, Hermione and I stayed with Ron to comfort him over the loss of his older brother Fred.

Now, the remaining students, staff, and members of the Order walked out to the main courtyard. Coming from the bridge, Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters approached, with Hagrid as their prisoner. In his arms, he carried someone. "Who is that? Who's Hagrid carrying?" I asked Draco who was standing beside me. He looked at me refusing to answer. I felt my heart race as I continued to watch.

"Harry Potter..." began Voldemort, "...is dead!"

My heart sank after hearing his words. "No! NO!" I yelled trying to run, but Draco held me back.

"Silence. Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. From this day forward, you put your faith...in me." Everyone was quiet. No one knew how to react to the news. I wiped away a tear not wanting to show Voldemort any weakness.

It's what Harry would've wanted.

"Harry Potter is dead!" He exclaimed causing the Death Eaters to laugh, he included. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die." None of us moved. We knew what we were fighting for. We were fighting for our school. We were fighting for Harry.

"Draco." My father's voice uttered. "Seraphina." Everyone turned to look at us as my father waved us over. We didn't move.

"Sera, Draco..." Our mother called out softly. Draco looked down as if he were asking me what to do. I held his hand shaking my head.

"No," I said turning back to my parents who's faces were full of shock. Not so much from my defiance, but more from Draco's.

"No? Pity," Voldemort said.

I walked down a few steps that I was standing on, stepping forward. "I'd like to say something."

"Go ahead, Seraphina."

"It doesn't matter if Harry's gone or not. We will never put our faiths in you. We will never join you. We will continue to fight if that means putting a stop to your torture."

"Sera..." Draco called from behind me.

"No!" I said to my brother. Turning back around, I stepped closer as I spoke, "People die every day. So what? Harry's still in our hearts. Because that is the difference between you and him, you will never ever feel the power of love. You are truly cold-hearted, and I feel sorry for you." I laughed practically in his face.

"Is that so? Well, would anyone else care to share their thoughts?" Voldemort asked. He turned his attention towards Neville who was limping forward. "And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom. Sera's right, we lost Harry tonight and he's still with us, in here," he said pointing to his heart, "So's Fred, Remus, Tonks...all of them. They didn't die in vain." He reminded, turning from the crowd of students to Voldemort.

"But you will! Because you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us. This is not over!" Neville declared. Reaching into the sorting hat that was in his hand, he pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor. Before Voldemort could react, our attention was caught by Harry jumping out of Hagrid's arms.

"Confringo!" He yelled at Nagini. The spell bounced off of the snake, hitting a group of Death Eaters instead. Voldemort sent firey spells as Harry ran. Turning to the crowd of his followers, I watched as dozens of them began to apparate away as Bellatrix urged them to come back and fight.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 | h.p.Where stories live. Discover now