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"Come on Sera, I'm your brother, you think I don't notice when guys look at you? It's kind of like my job to protect you

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"Come on Sera, I'm your brother, you think I don't notice when guys look at you? It's kind of like my job to protect you."


Harry lured Voldemort into the castle. Ron, Hermione, and I were supposed to kill the snake. From our hiding spot, we could see Voldemort fighting Harry. Once the two were gone, Nagini was left. I picked up a rock, throwing it at her, causing her attention to be focused on me. As the snake slithered forwards, I threw another rock at her.

I let her follow me, while Ron, came up behind the snake with a Basilisk tooth in hand. Before he could attack her, Nagini turned and lunged at him attempting to bite, but she missed as he leaned back.

The three of us ran down the stairs as the snake chased us. We all held onto each other, begging for our lives. "Avada Kedavra!"  I yelled trying to kill the snake, but it didn't work, as the spell just dissolved as it hit her. We fell over onto a pile of rubble as the snake pounced at us. I shut my eyes tight thinking that I was dead.

I opened them to see Nagini's body disintegrating as Neville with the sword in hand. He saved our lives. I thanked him, before running out to the courtyard. I stopped myself in the castle's doorway, watching the Elder Wand flip out of Voldemort's hand into Harry's.

Voldemort began to kneel down, as his body began to float away in ashes. This was the end. Voldemort was finally dead. Nothing would be able to bring him back.

Harry turned around noticing me standing on the steps, running up to me, pulling me into a kiss. I melted at his touch being glad that he was alive. "I should find Draco," I said pulling away. He nodded walking with me into the Great Hall. I searched the crowd of people looking for the platinum blonde boy, not being able to find him. "Where is he? He should be here, right?" I asked Harry.

"Ms. Malfoy?" Madam Pomfrey asked coming up to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Follow me, dear." I looked at her worried but followed anyway, Harry following closely behind. She led me over to a corner of the hall. On a bench, laid a body with a cloth over it. She pulled it down to reveal who was under it. "I'm sorry for your loss."

I froze feeling my heart ache. My throat felt like it was closing up as I gasped for air. Thoughts raced through my mind as I knelt down beside the bench, screaming. Tears streamed down my face as I hugged his body not wanting to believe that he was gone. "Draco...DRACO!" I cried out.

Harry knelt beside me wrapping his arms around me, trying his best to comfort me. All I could do was cry, my brother, my twin, my other half, was gone. How am I supposed to deal with that?


"Draco! Sera!" Our father yelled angrily at us. We looked at each other giggling.

"Run Draco!" I said pulling him with me as the two of us ran through the large house. The manor was so grand that sometimes we would get lost.

"Narcissa! The twins broke another glass!" We heard his voice echo through the house.

"They're only children Lucius." Our mother reminded attempting to calm him down. The two of us made outside and into the garden. As we ran, I tripped over myself hitting the ground hard. Sitting up, I looked at my scraped knee. Starting to cry.

"Don't cry, Sera, it's just a scratch." He said wiping my tears away. "Here, how about we sneak into the kitchen and get some ice cream," he suggested.

"Great idea!" I exclaimed. He helped me up as I dusted off my skirt as the two of us skipped into the manor. "Happy birthday, Draco."

"Happy birthday, Sera."


"So what's with you and Potter anyway?" Draco asked as the two of us sat in the Gryffindor common room.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed awkwardly, "There's nothing going on between me and Harry. We're just friends."

"Come on Sera, I'm your brother, you think I don't notice when guys look at you? It's kind of like my job to protect you."

"Really there's nothing. He likes Cho and I'm fine with that." I lied.

"I'm okay with it." He said causing me to look up from the floor.


"You and Harry. If you both like each other, then so be it, right?"

"Harry doesn't like me like that."

"Sera, I'm telling you he does. You just haven't noticed the things that I've noticed. Like that day a couple of weeks ago when we were going to Transfiguration and he was smiling at you."

"He wasn't smiling at me, he was smiling at-"

"Cho?" He shook his head, "Nope. He was smiling at you."

"What do you want me to then? It's not like I'm just going to walk up to him and say 'Harry Potter, you're one of my closest friends, did I also mention that I like you?'" We both laughed at my stupidity. I hadn't thought about the possibility of Harry actually liking me back until now. I guess I have Draco to thank for that. But it was weird that he didn't care, maybe he's grown a heart.


I snapped out of my thoughts looking over at my brother's body. I tried to form words but it was just too difficult. "I never got to say goodbye."

Authors Note:
this is then end😔 IM SO SORRY

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 | h.p.Where stories live. Discover now