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"We may be related by blood but you are not my family

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"We may be related by blood but you are not my family. I have no family!"


I was in my room thinking of a way to get us all out. I was almost done changing into new clothes when I heard a knock on my door. Once I was done gett"Draco?" I asked one forgetting that I hadn't spoken to him since my arrival. He pulled me into a hug before speaking.

"I haven't seen you in almost six months and that's all you have to say?" He asked sounding hurt. I felt bad for never coming back for him, but I knew once I came back, I wouldn't be able to leave. "And what's with the hair." He asked holding up my dark hair with his hand.

"I dyed it."


"So I couldn't be recognized by those stupid Snatchers." He looked at me confused. I completely forgot that he didn't know that my loyalty changed. Even though I never really was loyal to Voldemort. Pulling him into my bedroom, I checked the corridor to make sure that no one was listening in. "I'm not a Death Eater. It's not who I am, and I know it's not who you are either. I'm not gonna just stand around and let my friends be murdered. I'm getting them out of here, whether you come or not is not my problem, but do not stand in my way." I said. Leaving my room with him standing in it. As I was going down to the cellar I noticed the familiar house-elf from my childhood standing at the top of the stairs.

"Dobby?" I whispered. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Rescuing Harry Potter and his friends of course." I looked over at the cellar noticing Harry and Ron were literally right behind me. Turning back, Dobby was gone. The three of us watched as Bellatrix interrogated Griphook. After getting sick of him she turned to Hermione, raising her wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Ron yelled disarming her before she could hurt Hermione. Harry and I looked at each other before running up to the top of the stairs as well. I watched as my father pulled out his wand to fight, but I was much faster than he was.

"Stupefy!" I yelled flinging him backward. I scanned the area watching Harry and Ron duel Draco and my mother. I was the odd one out. I was the one that was stuck between two sides. But in the end, it didn't matter to me whether they were my blood-related family, the Malfoy's treated me as if I didn't belong. The Weasley's, Harry, and Hermione were a better family to me than my actual family.

"Stop!" I heard Bella's voice shout causing me to look over at her holding a blade to Hermione's throat. "Drop your wands. I said drop them!" We obeyed only because of the unfortunate position she had our best friend in. Before Draco could pick up my wand, I stepped slightly on his hand giving him a look to back off. He understood standing back over with our mother.

"Accio wand," I whispered quietly feeling the wand in my hand once again as Bellatrix spoke.

"It's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Drak Lord. Call him." She said. We all looked over at Draco who had a panicked look. Instead of him, my father stepped forward pulling up his sleeve dramatically to reveal his Dark Mark. Before he could summon Voldemort, the sound of creaking distracted him. Looking up at the large chandelier, I noticed Dobby sitting on the top loosening it. Once it was loose, he apparated as it fell.

Hermione took the opportunity to push herself away and into Ron's arms. As Draco fell over landing onto a chair to keep himself from hitting the ground, I ran over to him trying to pull the wands out of his hand but he resisted. "Let go!" Finally pulling them out of his grasp, I tossed them over to Harry and Ron. "Stupefy!" I yelled at my father again, before he could summon Voldemort. I smirked watching as he flew back hitting the ground.

Harry, Hermione, Ron, Griphook, Dobby, and I all stood together at the end of the room. "Stupid elf. You could've killed me!"

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure." He explained. I noticed my mother begin to wind up a spell, but before she could use it, I disarmed her.

"Expelliarmus!" I shouted watching her wand fly into my hand.

"How dare you take your mother's wand! How dare you defy your family!" Bellatrix yelled at me. I raised my eyebrow at her crossing my arms. The heel of my boots clicked on the ground as I took a couple of steps forward.

"Family? Now you think of me as family? Only when it's convenient for you? We may be related by blood but you are not my family. I have no family!" I yelled. Walking back over, I stood in the center holding Harry's hand in my right, and Hermione and Ron's hand in my left. "This...is my family," I said as we all connected our hands apparating away.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬 | h.p.Where stories live. Discover now