8. Phone call

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Harry's POV

    "Hello?" I say cautiously, when I answer a call from Bea. I'm assuming she butt dialed me.

    "Harry.." she says. "Could you maybe come get me?"

    Bea's voice is so small and scared it instantly has my hackles rising and I'm standing up from the couch.

    "Where are you?"

     "Richard Gray's house." She says. "He lives-"

    "I know where he lives. I'll be there in 10 minutes." I tell her and snap the phone shut. "You riding with me or staying here?" I ask Zayne.

    "Where you going?"

    "To get Bea. She just called and asked me to come get her from some party at Richard Gray's house."

    Zayne stands up from the couch and walks with me out the door. "I'm with you." He says.

    He's been strangely protective of Bea ever since the incident at the gas station. He remmed some guy out at lunch the other day in the line for food who made a comment about Bea's small chest. I didn't know what to think of his reactions right now, I'd analyze all of that later.


    I pull up outside the massive house eleven minutes later, and start scanning the area for Bea. When she called I couldn't hear any noise in the background, so I'm assuming she's outside.

    "There she is." Zayne says and points to a small black figure sitting in the grass to the right of the house.

    We both hope out of my car and run over to Bea, who hardly reacts to our approach.

    "Bea? Are you okay?" I ask softly, kneeling down in front of her.  

    "Yeah, I'm okay. I actually think I'm a little drunk." She admits.

    "You think?" Zayne asks.

    "Yeah. I've never been drunk before, and all I drank was the punch, but Lucy said it had Malibu in it. And she didn't mean the town in California."

    Zayne purses his lips to keep from chuckling at her rambling.  

    "Did you come here with Lucy?" I ask.

    "No, Shannon."

     "Where's she at?" I ask, feeling myself get a little agitated.

    "I don't know. When I realized I was drunk and threw up on someone, I looked for her but couldn't find her. I came outside to try and calm myself down. But I just want to go home." She looks up at me with sad eyes. "Will you please take me home Harry? I don't want to be here anymore."

    "Yeah, Bea. I'll take you home." I look at Zayne who is already looking at me. "Go find Shannon in the house, tell her it's time to go."

    Zayne nods and runs off in the direction of the house, leaving me alone with Bea.

    I squat down next to her on the grass. "You feel any better now?"

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