35. Awake

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Bea's POV

Beep beep beep beep.

"Beatrice, can you open your eyes for me dear?"

I groan loudly, feeling like there's a layer of dust or fog over my brain.

"Beatriiiice." That same voice sing songs again, though I have no idea who she is. She doesn't sound familiar to me.

I recognize the distinct smell of a hospital, and the sound of a machine beeping.

My eyes blink open, but I quickly snap them shut when the bright light hits and a pain sears through my head. "Too bright!" My voice is barely a whisper, and even those two words feel like I've swallowed knives when I say them.

"Okay, okay. Let me dim the lights a little bit and see if that helps, okay?" I see the light behind the black of my eyes go down, but I'm still too scared to open them and feel that pain again. "Try now, baby. That should be much better."

I squint open slowly, and begin to open them wider with every little inch that doesn't hurt. Once they're fully open, and not painful, I take in my surroundings.

I have a hospital gown on, and there's like 20 different wires it seems sticking out of me and my bed. I'm hooked up to a machine that's telling my heart rate, oxygen and blood pressure. I have an oxygen tube going up my nose.

My whole body aches, but my head and throat are the most severe, my throat being the one that sticks out to me the most.

"Water?" I ask, wondering if something wet would help soothe the pain.

"Just a little bit, okay?" The nurse tells me, before picking up a small plastic cup with a straw and helping bring it to my mouth for me to sip.

I talk only two small pulls through the straw before she's pulling it away.

"Who are you?" I ask the nurse, feeling the panic rise up in me. "Why am I here? Where is my family?"

She puts her hands up as of to gesture at me to take it easy, like that's possible with what is going on.

"Let me get the doctor and let him know you're awake, and your parents are here too waiting to see you. They'll explain everything, okay?"

"Am I okay?" I ask, having this irrational fear that I've had a stroke or something. Maybe cancer? What the hell else could have happened to me to make me not remember why I wound up here.

"The doctor will explain everything okay, I'll be right back with him and your parents." She walks out the door and leaves me alone with my wondering thoughts.

I lift the blanket to look at my body, and see my leg is wrapped with some kind of black brace. I also for the first time realize that my left arm is wrapped in plaster, telling me my arm is broken.

How the hell did I miss that? I guess because it actually doesn't hurt. My head and throat take priority to everything else. The rest of these injuries are easily dismissible.

I had to have been in some kind of accident. Or was I beat? Oh god.

Had I ran into some gang or something on the Downey side of town, and this was what they did to me?

I didn't have much more time to wonder before there was a sudden push on the door leading to my room and my mom and dad rushed in and over to my bed.

"Oh honey, we're so happy to see those eyes open, you have no idea!" My mom gushed.

"How are you feeling? Anything hurt? Do you need more medicine? Hungry? Thirsty?"

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