15. Breakfast

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Bea's POV

    I was sleeping. It was a novelty, but for once when I started to come to my senses, I knew that I had been sleeping hard. I wasn't sure for how long exactly, but I felt more rested right now than I had in weeks.

     "Bea, we overslept." A groggy voice says from above me somewhere. I realize then I'm laying on something that's hard, but smells really nice.

    Lifting my head, completely disoriented, I make eye contact with Harry as he starts to sit up as well. "How?.." I start to ask, but then remember him stopping and picking me up last night. But holy crapola, I slept on his chest? All night?

I think I'm so tired that some of it is a little blurry, until we pulled into my driveway and had that serious talk. I was wide awake for that. I remember every second of that conversation, and I hope Harry does too.

If he had changed his mind in the morning light, I'd probably be even more devastated than I was before.

"What time is it?" I asked, while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Harry picked up his phone and glanced at the time. "Just after 9 in the morning." He looked at me wearily. "Are your parents inside freaking out right now about where you are?"

I shook my head. "They're not home. They went to visit my dads parents for the weekend, about 3 hours away. And Shannon stayed at a friends house last night."

"You we're going to be home alone all night? At 15?"

I roll my eyes. "Shannon was supposed to stay home with me, but she never does when they're away."

He looks me in the eye and I'm surprised to find his irises seem to be holding some anger in them. "So not only were you going to be here all night alone, but you decided to take a nightly walk, in the dark, towards the wrong side of town, and you had no cellphone on you?"

I do nothing but stare at him. "When you put it that way it sounds-"

"Stupid?" He supplies. "Reckless? Unsafe? Dangerous?"

"Any other adjectives you want to throw in there?"

"Give me a minute, I can probably come up with a whole list of them."

I sigh. "Look, I know it wasn't my best idea ever. But I just wanted to sleep. And being home alone wasn't going to help in that situation. I didn't know what else to do."

"Why didn't you ask Shannon not to leave?"

"My sister doesn't really care about much else but doing whatever is that she has planned."

Harry grunted in response, clearly not impressed with that. "Well, whatever. Do anything else next time, please. Walking alone at night and with no way to call for help if you needed it, is never going to be the answer."

    I raise my eyebrows at him. "But sleeping in your with you in my driveway, is the answer?"

     "It was a better, and safer option than what you had in mind." He says back.

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