9. Partners

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Bea's POV

    "Alright class, you need to slide your desks together with the person in front of you. That will be your partner for this assignment." Our English teacher instructs.

     I feel my stomach tighten at the knowledge that Harry and I are going to be partners. He turns around and smiles at me slightly, and I smile back. As soon as he turns back towards the front, the smile falls from my face and I have to refrain to slamming my head on my desk. Repeatedly.

    Why was I being punished? What had I ever done in life to deserve this kind of treatment?

    Wasn't it enough that I had to see my sister with the boy I was practically obsessed with, and now I had to be partners with him in class? It was like I couldn't escape him. And trust me, I had been doing my damndest to do just that.

All week I had hardly talked to him and when I did, I tried to say as little as possible. The more we talked, the more I wanted him, and since that wasn't going to happen, there was no sense in making things harder on myself.

Plus, he was with Shannon. Even if there was a chance, I could never betray my sister like that.

    Harry scooted his desk backwards towards mine and sat down when everything was situated.

    "Ready for this week to be over?" He asks.

    "Absolutely. It's been the slowest week ever."

     "That couldn't be because of a birthday that's on Saturday, could it?"

    I whip my head sideways in surprise. "How'd you know that?"

    "Shannon told me." He says.

    "Oh, right." I say and look away. Of course my sister told him. My sister who was now basically Harry's girlfriend.

    It was like after last Friday night, they were even closer now, which didn't make any sense to me. I assumed most boys would be upset to find the girl they were talking to in a situation like that. But Harry wasn't even bothered. I wondered if he got off on saving the poor damsel in distress or something.

Or maybe he just liked my sister and I needed to stop over analyzing things so much. Sometimes, the simplest answers are usually the right ones.

     Our teacher starts to explain our assignment. We have to pick a classic novel and rewrite the ending in a way that we would have preferred, and film the scene to go along with it.

"Have any favorite classic books?" Harry asks, when the teachers done explaining and we're told to get to work.

"A few, but none that I can really think about wanting to change the ending to."

"I haven't read many classics." Harry admits.

"So then why are you in an advanced English lit class?"

"Honestly? I think it was a mistake in the scheduling or something. I've never taken advanced classes in my life."

"Are you struggling or failing in any of them?"

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