25. Rage

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Bea's POV

I could hear my dad stomping around downstairs, and knew it was only a matter of time before his lid blew off. My mom had picked me up from school and we hardly spoke on the ride home.

    Or well, I tried to talk and she just listened and never responded. I'm not even sure if she really heard me, she had a faraway look in her eyes that made me feel like she didn't even realize she was driving.

    As soon as I stepped foot in my house, it was like the silence and tension swallowed me whole, and I couldn't escape to my room fast enough. Avoiding any fighting that was sure to ensue was my main goal, and I had no intentions of coming out of my room until I absolutely had to. Which I was hopeful would be the morning before I had to leave for school.

    So you'll have to understand my surprise when I was called down for dinner at our normal time.

    Call me crazy, but I assumed family dinner would have been canceled for the night with other..more urgent things taking it's place.

    When I had passed by Shannon's room to get to my own, I noticed she was absent, which meant she had to be downstairs with my parents. It was 6:15 and so far I had heard no yelling or screaming, so I wasn't even sure what was going on.

   My dad may have killed her, to be honest. His anger was unmatched when compared to many other things, and the thought of being on the receiving end of it had me feeling like I could vomit at any moment.

    I slowly and silently made my way downstairs, somehow believing that would help the situation. When I walked around the corner and entered the dining room, everyone was in the normal spots with a plate full of food in front of them.

    Shannon was looking down at her plate, but I know that's not what she was seeing by the blank look in her eyes. My dad was staring at Shannon, and his face was a worrisome shade of red, and he had a vein on his forehead that looked ready to burst. My mom was looking at my dad, and her face showed how worried she was about what was bound to take place at this dinner table shortly.

    I sat down in my seat and folded my hands in my lap, unsure of what to really do. Or how to act.

    "Well," My dad started, causing Shannon to flinch. "Everyone eat their dinner."  

    We all picked up our utensils and started taking minuscule bites of food, the mashed potatoes tasting like cardboard in my mouth.

    "So Bea," My dad says on only my third bite of food. "I assume you have seen the video of your sister that is circulating in this town right now."

    I swallow my food before answering. "Yes sir." Looking at Shannon I see she has stopped eating and it once again staring at the table.

     "And what did you think of it?" He asks.

"Jason-" My mom tries to interfere, but my dad quickly cuts her off.

"I asked Beatrice a question and I expect an answer."

"I don't really know what to think about it, sir." I answer quietly, knowing not answering him will only make it worse.

"Were you proud of your sister when you saw the things she was doing in that video?"

"No sir." I say, and can no longer bring myself to look at Shannon.

"Were you ashamed of her?" He asks.

I can't help it, it's automatic, but I glance up and see the tears shining in her eyes and her cheeks reddening. "Yes." I whisper, knowing my voice will be hoarse if I speak any louder.

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