14. Truths

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Harry's POV

    How did I keep messing up? I told myself over and over again I was going to stop worrying about this girl, and then the second I'm around her again, all of that shit goes right out the window.

    I couldn't help it though. Seeing how tired she looked wasn't something that could easily be looked over. There was some urge inside of me, or a need, that wanted to take care of her. Wanted to protect her.

There wasn't much I could do to protect Bea from her own dreams, but I still thought about it and what could possibly help her. I knew what it was like to have dreams that plagued you in your sleep, and it wasn't fun.

    We had finished our project this week, and while she was just as smart as she always was, the bags and dark circles were still very prominent under her eyes. Sometimes she'd blink so slowly I was sure she was falling asleep while sitting up.

     After we were done with our project, I spent some free time in the library researching what helps with sleep issues. There was lavender, melatonin, and some breathing techniques. Everything else was some kind of medicine that needed to be given to you by a doctor.

    I took what I had found though and printed the papers off and stuck them in her locker during lunch that day. I wasn't sure if she'd actually even read them, but I was willing to do whatever I could to help her. Without her actually knowing it was me who was helping her.

    Other than the project, we had kept our distance from each other, and conversation was minimal. It fucking sucked. We had said we would be friends, but it was like both of us didn't know how to just be friends with one another.

    I had anything but friendly feelings for this girl, and pretending otherwise was seemingly impossible.

     I missed talking to her already and hardly knew her. But she had made an imprint on me, and I wasn't sure how long it was going to take for that shit to go away.

     It was Saturday night though and I was feeling restless, my mom was passed out at home and Gemma was out, so being at home wasn't somewhere I wanted to be. I was out just driving my car, and thinking of Bea. Shannon too, who seemed more than fine since I told her there wasn't anything serious between us. She had moved on by the next class period, which was fine, other than the heartbroken looks she gave me when we passed in the hallways.

    I had hurt two sisters and didn't know what to do to make it better, especially when the one I wanted wasn't the right one for me.

    I came around a sharp turn on a road and nearly pissed my pants when I saw someone walking in the road alone.

    "Shit!" I yelled and swerved the car to the side of the road and away from whoever was in the road.

    My headlights illuminated whoever it was, and I saw that it was Bea. She had a light gray jacket on, hands in her pockets, and was walking with her eyes pointed down at the road.

    "Bea!" I yelled out the door as soon as I opened it. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

    She stopped walking and turned to me in surprise, obviously not even realizing she was just almost ran over. "Hey, Harry."

I walked up to her and inspected her closely. "Are you okay? What are you doing out here this late?" I scan the area to make sure she's alone, and not being followed or is walking with someone else.

"I'm okay, just couldn't sleep." She says, and her eyes look so heavy I don't know how she's holding them open. "I was tired of laying in bed and staring at my ceiling. I thought maybe a walk would help me get tired enough to sleep."

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