28. Deals

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Harry's POV

   "Son, you'll just have to understand why we have such a hard time believing that." Officer Schmitt said, after I recounted my story to him again. "If what you're telling me is true, why would your own mom call the law on you and demand us to arrest you?"

    "I don't know!" I yell in frustration. "I really don't fucking know. All I know is, I'm telling you the truth."

    "So you came home and found your sister on her bed, and you say this Kurt fellow, he was leaned over her and had his hand over her mouth?"

    I nod my head, the bile rising in my throat making it hard to talk.

    "And her shirt was unbuttoned?"

    "Yes." I snap. "For the fifth time, yes. Her shirt was undone and he was clearly using his weight to hold her down. She was crying. I could hear her whimpering through the walls and then he was talking back to her."

    The officer sighs and leans back in his chair. "Do you want to know how much damage you did to that man, son?"

     "I don't care, he could be fucking dead and I still wouldn't care." I say, knowing that's probably not helping my case at all but not being able to see past my fury right now to say anything else.

    "He was pretty damn close. Contusions all over his brain, broken nose, broken cheek bones, eyes are swollen shut and his face will need reconstructive surgery if he ever wants to breathe normally again. His jaw will have to be wired shut."

    I just stare back, no reaction for him at all, because I feel nothing for that piece of shit. Except maybe regret that I didn't hit harder a few more time before I was pulled off of him.

    Another officer walks into the room and leans down to whisper in Officer Schmitt's ear.

    "Okay," He mutters in response to whatever was said to him and then heaves himself up from the table. "I'll be back shortly, make yourself comfortable."

     "When am I going to be able to get out of here?" I call after him, but it's no use. He closes the door behind him and ignores my question.

    I slam my cuffed fists on the table in front of me and have to control myself from not completely losing it.

     I don't know how long I've been here, maybe 2 hours now. They've kept me cuffed and in this tiny room with a mirror that I know other assholes can see me through.

    I just want to get home to Gemma, just to check on her. She was losing her mind when those cops were dragging me away from our house and into the cop car.

    As we were pulling away I could see try to run after us, but our mom grabbed her arm and stopped her. The last thing I saw before they were out of sight was Gemma turning around and slapping our mom in the face before storming into the house.

    My mom. My fucking mom. The one person on this earth who was biologically made to love me, and instead she chose some fat, rapist, piece of shit over me. And Gemma.

    Gemma, who sat there and screamed for me and told my mom exactly what he was trying to do to her, and she wouldn't listen. All she did was fall to the ground in hysterics and cradled Kurt's bloodied face after I was done with him.

    She didn't care about the fact that Gemma was shaking, and that two of the buttons on her top were missing. Or that Gemma had silently stood there and watched me beat Kurt into a bloody pulp, because she didn't care that he was being hurt.

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