37. Recovery

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Bea's POV
2 months later

The weeks following my accident were some of the slowest weeks of my life.

   Everyday, countless therapists and new doctors came in to speak with me about my injuries and started me with workouts on how to make things better.

   My leg was broken and my arm, so there was only so much I could do, but they pushed me to every limit I didn't even know I had.

   Finally, after 2 more weeks, I was sent home with strict at home plans and guides on how to help get my body and mind get back to normal.

   The only positive thing we had heard so far was that I didn't need reconstructive surgery on my face like they had first thought and told my parents.

   After the swelling had gone down from my breaks and injuries, my face looked pretty normal aside from the bruising and new scars. Which was a small price to pay when compared to what could have happened to me. I would take scars over a casket any day, I wasn't shallow enough to even worry about that.

Christmas and New Years had both come and gone, and we were now entering February. My mom had taken a leave from work to stay home with me and home school me for the remainder of my freshmen year. We made the decision that it may be best for me to spend this time at home to emotionally and physically heal without the curious eyes and questions I would surely get at school.

Truth be told, I really just think it was a way for my parents to keep an extra eye on me. They didn't want kids at school telling me things that they weren't telling me or didn't want me to know.

I was sad when I realized I had been asleep for so long that I had missed Stone's funeral. I didn't remember him as my friend, but my sister said he was the first boy I had ever gone on a date with, and that we were friends. She was the only one who ever gave in and told me small details about the life I lived before the accident.

Not remembering him was hard, and I didn't even know how to fully explain that. How do you hurt over the loss of someone you don't even remember?

I sometimes had these dreams at night, and I'm pretty sure they were about the night of the crash. They were vivid, and loud. I always remembered every minuscule detail when I awoke, and I was starting to believe my mind was dusting off some of my trauma and allowing me to remember things from that night.

By the looks of the dream, I wasn't sure I wanted to. The crunch of the metal slamming into the hard wooden trunk of the tree was always what woke me up. I would be drenched in sweat and breathing hard as if I had just run a marathon.

But it was the parts before that that I was started to remember and that were becoming more clear. I was seeing myself running down a flight of steps, and I could hear people calling my name, trying to stop me.

In this dream though I wasn't going to stop for anything, I could feel in my chest how badly I needed to escape from that house. I would run out the door and Stone would catch me, and id see his handsome smile as he would look down at me. I'd tell him to get me out of there, and he would.

In the car he would drop his keys and have a hard time holding himself up right, and most mornings I would wake up and hate myself for being focused on leaving that I didn't notice the condition he was in. That I didn't realize that neither one of us bothered to put our seatbelts on. If I had never asked him to take me home, he probably never would have drove. The second people inside that house realized how drunk he was, I'm sure they would have taken his keys.

Stone would be alive, and probably sleeping in his bed right now without a worry in the world. Instead, he was six feet under the ground and dead. His smile and laugh never to be seen or heard again by his family, who I'm sure hated me. Along with all his many friends from school.

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