22. Revenge

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Harry's POV

   "So we're gonna shank the bitch, right?" Are the words I'm greeted with as soon as I step foot in my house after dropping Bea off at home.

     I stare at Gemma like she's insane. Because she is. "Shank who?"

     "Fucking Shannon!" She yells, like I'm the crazy one here. "I heard all about your little spat in the hallway with her, and I also heard those disgusting rumors and what those guys said to Bea. Something needs to be done." She cracks her knuckles on her fists while she starts pacing the floor.

     "Agreed," I say calmly, hoping to simmer down this raging bull. "But I don't think murder is our best option."

     "I beg to differ." Gemma says. "We could so do it Harry. I've watched a lot of shows and read a lot of books. We could make it look like an accident, or she could just go missing and no one would ever find her. Did you know alligators love marshmallows?" She asks, and looks at me as if I have an actual answer to her question. "Well, they do. We could murder her and then wrap her body in a tarp and tie bricks to it, so that it'll sink, and then we can toss marshmallows in with it so her body will be eaten and there will never be any evidence left behind."

     I think my mouth was seriously hanging open at the disturbing things that just came out of my younger sisters mouth.

    "Do I need to pay for you to start seeing a counselor?" I ask, in all seriousness.

     "Why would you ask that?"

     "Because I'm pretty sure you're fucking crazy."

     "I'm not crazy, I'm the girl with a plan and revenge on my mind, and I know how to carry it out."

     "But. Not. With. Murder." I say, making sure those words sink in. Words I never thought I'd have to utter to my sister. "I'm going to start restricting your shows and books if these are the types of ideas you get from them."

    Finally she stops pacing and flops down on the couch. "Okay, little sissy boy, then what did you have in mind?"

     I roll my eyes at her name calling, but answer her question nonetheless. "What is the most important thing to girls like Shannon?"

     "Dick." Gemma instantly answers without thought.

     I tilt my head back and groan, wondering how in the hell my decisions in life led me here. "Dear sweet baby Jesus, Joseph and Mary the Virgins."

     "I don't think that's how it goes." Gemma says, smiling sickly sweet at me.

     "Okay, other than...penis. What is the most important thing to someone like Shannon?"

     Thankfully, Gemma actually seems to ponder this question for a minute before answer. "Social status?"

     "Ding ding ding. We have a winner."

     "What about it though?"

     "Shannon would probably hate life if she came to school one day and everyone looked at her with disgust instead of worship."

     Gemma smiles evilly. "I love it. But how do we accomplish that?"

     I pull my phone out of my pocket and toss it to Gemma after pulling up what I needed her to see.

    She caught the phone and read the words on the screen, her mouth gaping open and closing like a fish. "Where..the hell..did you find this?"

     "Now, that I can't tell you. But what do you think?" I ask.

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