21. Distractions

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Bea's POV

    What could have most definitely been one of the worst days of my very short existence so far, actually turned out to be one of the best.

     Which was all thanks to Harry of course.

     I had no idea what to expect when he drug me out of the school and tossed me into his car. I just knew I was willing to go anywhere with him, especially if it meant getting away from all of those stares and whispers from the kids at school.

     When those guys had cornered me in the hallway and said all those demeaning things, I didn't even remember how to speak. I completely froze, and had no words for them, I just knew I didn't want them to touch me. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole.

     I knew the rumors were going to be bad, but I never would have guessed it would have been like that. And it was all thanks to my own sister, who never did know when to keep her nose out of other peoples business.

     "Where are we going?" I asked Harry as he tore out of the parking lot and his tires left black marks on the pavement.

     "A few places," he vaguely said.

     "You're not going to tell me?"

     "Just sit back and enjoy the ride, and get all that shit that just happened off your mind, okay? That's your only job for the day." He picked my hand up and entwined our fingers together before dropping them on his lap.

     "Okay, I can do that." And I could. Not much occupied my mind these days other than the alluring boy sitting next to me, especially when we were together and touching like we were right now.

     Every time he put his hands on me and or we touched skin to skin, it fused a riot of butterflies into my stomach that made me feel like I could float.

     Our first stop was an ice cream shop.

     "In the mood for something sweet?" I teased.

     "Ice cream is a cure for everything, at least that's what Gemma has told me before."

    "She is definitely right."

    We get out of the car and walk up to the window where you can order your ice cream. I get chocolate and Harry gets strawberry. He doesn't even bother with asking about who is paying, he pulls his wallet out and pays the guy the $5 that's owed for our ice cream cones.

We walk back to his car, and sit down inside and enjoy our ice cream together, each sharing bites with each other from our cones.

"I'm sorry." I tell him, when we've both finished and the silence had filled the car.

"For what?"

"For..everything. I shouldn't have got a ride home from Stone yesterday, I shouldn't have said no when you asked me if I needed a ride from you, and I'm especially sorry about what happened in the hallway. I never wanted to drag you into anything like this."

Harry looked perplexed for a minute. "Thank you for apologizing for the Stone thing and not catching a ride with me, but that's the only thing you need to apologize for, Bea. Your sister making some shit up and those assholes harassing you in the hallway is not your fault."

"Yeah, but you had to deal with it. I should have said something and spoke up for myself, but I just froze up."

"You're my girl, Bea," He shrugs like it's simple. "Anyone fucks with you, and they fuck with me too. You could have cussed those guys out and slapped them over the head with a school book and I still would have done what I did. That's just the way it is."

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