33. Puzzle

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Harry's POV

   "I need someone to tell me what is going on!" Mr. Marks yells at all of us kids that are sitting in the waiting room of the hospital.

   When we got here, we all simultaneously collapsed into our chairs and haven't spoke since. There aren't really words that can help us right now.

    Mr. and Mrs. Marks had arrived at the hospital shortly after we did, and Carson and Stone's parents were still not here. We'd yet to hear anything about Stone since we followed the ambulance here.

   "Hello! Are any of you listening to me?" He yelled again, to no avail, but he still got no response. It was like all of us were in overdrive and we had nothing left to give him.

   A nurse from the front desk comes over and assessing the situation after noticing Mr. Marks screaming at us again. "Is everything alright?"

    "I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on with my kids." He says to her.

    "Sir, I already told you, a doctor will be out shortly with an update for you as soon as they know something." She tries to placate him, but it's no use.

    "Shannon, look at me." He snaps.

    Shannon doesn't even react. She's slumped down in her chair between Lucy and Garrison, and she hasn't looked up from the tiled floor since we sat down.

    "Dude, can you give it a rest?" Niall says, finally. "Obviously we're all going through some shit right now and don't know how to handle it, your daughter included."

    Mr. Marks face turns red at Niall's brush off, and he opens his mouth to no doubt lecture him too, but two uniformed officers make their presence known and walk over to where we are sitting. Affectively stopping any and all talk.

    "Are you the parents of Beatrice Marks?" They ask the Marks' who both just nod their heads in response. "Are the parents of Stone Jameson here?"

    "They're on their way." Carson says, silent tears rolling down his cheeks as he focuses on something he has on his pants leg.

    "Who are you?" They ask Carson.

    "Stone's older brother."

    They nod in response before taking in each one of our faces. "Can you kids explain to us what happened tonight?"

    No one says anything. The officers glance to the Marks'. "Did you have any idea your daughter was going out tonight?"

    "Not at all." Mr Marks says.

     "I had just been in her room talking to her, she was upset over some personal things that happened. But we talked and she said she was better."

   "And she never mentioned anything to you about going out?"

    Mrs. Marks shakes her head. "Nothing. She wasn't dressed for going out or anything. She didn't even go out the front doors. She snuck out her window, I'm assuming."

    The officers turn their attention to us again. "And none of you have any idea why she went to that party unexpectedly?"

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