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Bea's POV

   Things between Harry and I were the same, but they were also different. I know that doesn't make sense, but that's the only way I know how to describe our relationship now.

We still talked everyday, and hung out whenever I could get away from my parents or when no one was home. We joked, we laughed, we hugged, we kissed..but something was just off.

Call it women's intuition or whatever you wanted, but I knew there was something holding Harry back whenever he was around me. In the lunchroom with his friends, I would watch him and there was such a drastic change in his demeanor. He was more laid back and at ease, and with me he was strung tight like a bow and arrow. I didn't know what to make of it, and I didn't know what it meant.

He also looked so tired lately, like he hadn't been sleeping or resting much. Whenever we weren't together he always seemed to be working for this guy who let him pick up a couple of hours at the mechanic shop he owned.

I never thought I would be attracted to a guy with permanent oil stains on his hands, but I was pretty sure anything on Harry would attract me. It was just him in general. A few days ago, we were alone at his house, Gemma was somewhere with her friends, and he said his mom had only been coming home every couple days or so lately, I had still yet to meet her.

Anyway, things in his bedroom got a little heavy, and we went the farthest we had ever gone before. Harry took my shirt off and I took his off, our hands never stopped exploring each other the whole time, and my lips were a nice shady of ruby red when Harry finally called it quits. He always called it quits early, and it drove me crazy.

When I got home that night though and took my clothes off in my bathroom for a shower, I noticed oil streaks going up my sides from where Harry's hands had been roughly grabbing me in his room. I didn't want them to go away, I liked having them there. So instead, I took a picture of myself topless in my mirror, and on a whim I sent it to Harry.

I nearly fainted after. I threw my phone down on the counter, and jumped in the shower without even waiting for his response. What if he thought my boobs were too small? What if he was weirded out by the fact that I thought it was okay to send him a picture like that? I didn't know what to think, and I was second guessing myself the whole time I was in the shower.

When I climbed out though, dried off and dressed myself, I finally grew the lady balls to check my phone. I had 3 missed call from Harry and a slew of text messages. Without reading the messages though, I had called him back.

"What were you doing?" He asked, as soon as he answered the call.

"I just got dressed from getting out of the shower."

"How are you going to send me a semi nude picture of yourself, and then not be near your phone?"

"Umm, because I think I had a mini panic attack after I pressed the send button and processed what I had just done."

Harry's laugh echo's in my ear. "I fucking knew it. I knew you were freaking out."

"How did you know?"

"Because I'm starting know you very well , Bea Marks."

The way he speaks so softly makes my heart accelerate. "Well..what did you think of my picture?"

"I think you're trying to make me die from a premature death."


"Because I nearly fainted myself when I opened up that picture."

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