13. Lies

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Bea's POV

   I wasn't prepared for everyone to be staring at me on Monday morning when I was walking through the halls.

My first class had passed by uneventfully. Harry and I didn't look at each other and we didn't speak. He didn't even sit in a seat near mine today like he usually does. He sat all the way across the room, closest to the door. And he was the first one out of it when the bell rang and dismissed us to our next class.

Stone and I shared my second class together, it was some art class. We sat together and he tried to make me laugh the whole time, but I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. Couldn't stop remembering the way we ended things and what was said between us.

Shannon noticed I was more quiet than usual too this morning, but I couldn't exactly tell her it was because I felt like a pile of scum for kissing her boyfriend and being upset because it seemed like he didn't want more from me. Not the kind of conversation that goes over well.

"Why is everyone staring at you?" Garrison asked, as we got our lunch trays and walked to our usual table to eat with everyone else.

"You noticed too?"

"Kinda hard not to. What have you done Marks?" He asks playfully, obviously joking because he doesn't think I could ever be capable of attracting attention like this to myself.

"I may or may not have gone on a date with Stone on Saturday night.." I say, and look at my feet like they may sprout wings. Anything is better than looking at him as he's analyzing that information.

    He trips over his feet before righting himself again. "Stone? As in Stone Jameson? Of the Jameson family?"

     "Do you know of any other Stone's at our school?" Not like it was a common name.

    "How the hell were you not going to tell us?" Garrison asks as we sit down at our table. Lucy, Grady and Brady are already there waiting on us.

     "Tell us what?" Lucy asks.

     "That our little Beatrice went on a date Saturday night." Garrison proudly tells everyone. Grady and Brady both choke on the milk they're drinking simultaneously and start coughing. 

     The only one who isn't shocked is Lucy, because I told her about it. I called her and she helped me choose an outfit for Saturday night.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot, I'm sorry Busy Bea. How did it go?"

"She knew? And you didn't tell me?" Garrison asks in an accusing voice.

"You're a guy, why would you care to hear about me having a date?" I ask in bewilderment.

"Any other girl we wouldn't give a shit." Garrison says

"But you?" Grady adds.

"The great and untouchable Bea Marks? Who finally said yes to one of her many admirers?" Brady finishes.

"I hate all of you." I stab my mashed potatoes harshly to really drive my point home. "And I do not have admirers."

"Well how was the date? Any hands on action?" Grady questions and rubs his body up against mine suggestively.

"If you don't stop doing that, I'm going to accidentally stab you next instead of the mashed potatoes."

"Wow. The dating life has made you violent Marks." Grady jokes, but finally moves away and gets out of my personal space. "You know we're only giving you a hard time."

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