39. Reconcile

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Bea's POV

   The effort it takes not to laugh at the look on Harry's face just about takes everything out of me. I almost feel bad for shocking him so badly.


"What?" He stammers, his mouth not shutting completely in between pauses. "What do you mean you have your memories back?"

"Just what you said. My memories came back about 2 months ago."

"Just like that? Suddenly?" He runs his hands through his hair and grips it at the root. "How did this happen? Why did you not tell me?"

"No, it wasn't sudden. I had some help remembering some things first with something I found, and then the more I was told and accepted, the more I would wake up each morning and it was like my brain was putting its own puzzle pieces came back together."

"What did you remember first?" He asks.

"At first it was just simple things. Like my whole 8th grade year of school, that summer before ninth grade and things like that. So really nothing at first. Bur then..I had a dream one night about you. And it was so vivid and real that I just knew it wasn't a dream." I tell him.

    "What was the dream?"

    "There was a man holding a gun to my head and had his arm wrapped around my throat. You were standing in front of us and yelling at him. When he glanced away you grabbed me and the friend that was with you, that I now know was Zayne, tackled him to the ground and you carried me out of there."

    "Yeah..that was real. That happened." He says.

    "I know. I woke up the next morning and remembered everything about that night. I remembered going to the police station and being questioned and then seeing you after." I shrug. "It was just weird. It was like as soon as I opened the floodgates in my mind, the memories started coming one after the other."

    "So you remember..everything?"

    "If you're asking if I remember you dumping me than the answer is yes. I also remember opening the door and seeing my sister going down on you." I say bluntly, knowing he won't ever just outright ask me even though that's exactly what he's dying to know.

    Harry coughs into his hand like he's choking almost. "Holy fuck, okay. Okay. So you remember that. Okay." He stands up from the ground and starts pacing in the book aisle aimlessly. "Do you remember the..accident?"

    I wince but nod my head, the accident is the only memory that still really gets to me. "Yeah, I remember all of it. Probably even more than is normal.." I remember myself standing outside of my body and looking at the mangled car.

    I also remember looking at Stone with his body pressed up against the steering wheel, and him sitting up and looking at me standing outside the car. His body on the wheel never moved, but it was like the entity in his body did. Whatever he was housing inside himself.

    I'm pretty sure it was our souls. I think we were both dead at the time. He got out of the car and walked over to me, giving me the same handsome smile he always gave everyone.

    "It'll be okay." He had said to me, with his hand placed over my chest where my heart was supposed to be beating. And then he vanished, still with that same boyish grin on his handsome face. Stone was always smiling, that's how I would always remember him.

   Next thing I remember, I'm waking up in the hospital.

    My soul must have found it's way back to my body, knowing it wasn't time for me to go yet. I knew Stone hadn't suffered and was safe on the other side, wherever that was. That was the only reason I got any sleep at night.

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