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Bea's POV

"This place is really nice, you didn't have to bring us somewhere so fancy." I tell Stone as the hostess walks us to our table in a secluded spot inside the restaurant.

Our reserved table.

Because I'm on a date with a boy who made us reservations. Pinch me, because a girl has to be dreaming to have this kind of luck on her first date, with a boy who is only 16, nonetheless.

   I was anticipating a movie with some popcorn and him trying to awkwardly grope me while stretching, but it didn't look like that was going to happen.

"Here we are," the hostess says as she lays our menus out for us on the table. Stone pulls my seat out for me and helps me push it under before taking his own seat. "What can I get you guys to drink?"

"I'll have a coke," Stone says and then points to me. "You?"

"I'll have the same." I say, and know I probably would have said that if he had ordered a root beer, and I hate root beer. But I'm so nervous, and that just seemed like the best and easiest answer to give.

"Have you ever been here before?" Stone asks, as he opens his menu.

"No, never. Thank you so much for bringing me."

"Of course. I'm honored you'd spend your birthday with me, so of course I had to make it special." He smiles at me, and it seems sincere, like he really did want to make me feel special because of my birthday.

"Well you have definitely made me feel special. This is my first date actually, and you've exceeded all my expectations so far." He didn't need to know that they weren't very high to start with.

"This is your first date, really?" He seems surprised.

"It is. My parents's rule has always been no dating before the age of 15. So you asked at just the right time."

"Good thing I did it so soon, would have hated to see the line I'd had to have waited in when every other guy found out Bea Marks was ready to start the dating game."

I laughed at his teasing, because that's what it was. It had to be. "Yeah right, there's definitely no line. You're the first and only boy to ever ask me out."

"Can I be honest with you?" Stone asks, putting down his menu and leaning back in his chair casually.

"Always. I don't like it any other way." I say truthfully. I'm a lot of things, but a liar has never been one of them.

"Guys would kill to take you out. But you've just always had this..air around you that fended people off. Like you didn't want to be bothered by all our bullshit, so no one ever wanted to try and get rejected."

I'm shocked at what he's saying, and I have an even harder time believing it. "Stone, I've gone to school with all of you guys since elementary school. Surely at some point, someone would have been brave enough to have asked me. Not to mention, kids weren't always the nicest to me. I was picked on a lot." Things got better for me in middle school, but elementary school had been dreadful.

"I'm being serious. When we get to school on Monday and if somehow news about our date has spread, I can guarantee you you'll have multiple offers for more dates by the end of the day." He leans forward and places his hands on the table, not far from my own. "And with the picking things, boys do that when we're little because we don't know how to tell a girl we like them. And the girls were mean to you because they were jealous of you. You don't try, at all, and somehow you always look so beautiful."

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