27. Bail

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Bea's POV

   For the first time in a couple of weeks, I don't absolutely dread walking into my house and being around my parents and sister. Because today, I'm walking in with a purpose, and with hope.

Purpose is to tell them about Harry, and what he means to me.

And my hope is that Harry will finally feel more accepted and concrete in my life. And won't feel like I'm not so freaking over the moon to call him mine.

"Mom? Dad?" I call, walking through the house and sitting my things down before entering the dining room.

It's just the two of them sitting at the table eating, Shannon is nowhere to be seen. Which is actually comforting, because I'd like to tell them about Harry without anyone else listening.

"Hey honey," my mom greets me and smiles. "Grab a plate and come sit with us."

"Where's Shan?" I ask as I scoop some spaghetti on my plate and grab a slice of garlic bread.

"She said she wasn't feeling well tonight and asked if she could rest in her room." Mom says, and I notice dad roll his eyes at the explanation.

Shannon has still hardly spoke or ate since she got into trouble. Mom's starting to worry and give in to her, dad says she's just doing it to win sympathy from them.

"Have fun with Lucy?" My dad asks. "I'm happy you two were able to work things out."

My gut clenches at the mention of Lucy, who isn't ignoring me anymore, but still not treating me the way she did before.

"Actually," I swallow the food in my mouth and clear my throat. "I wasn't with Lucy tonight."

"You weren't?" Mom asks. "I just assumed when you said you were hanging out with a friend after school and would be home later."

"Yeah, it wasn't Lucy. It was actually..Harry." His name hangs in there for a minute before either of them say anything.

Both of my parents look at me in confusion. "Harry?" Dad asks.

"The boy who saved me from the burglar at the convenience store and came here for dinner a couple times." The one with the bright green eyes, the handsome one, the sweet one, the one who knows how to do very wicked things with his tongue..

"Oh!" They both say at the same time, and a little bit of my nerves ease when they both smile at the reminder of him.

"How could we forget?" Mom says and takes a swig of her wine. "Very nice boy, and very handsome." She wags her eyebrows suggestively.

"Why were you hanging out with him?" Dad asks.

"Well, you remember we share classes together?"

"Yes, I do remember that. I like that he's in advanced classes."

"Yeah, so, even after he and Shannon kinda called off whatever they had going on, he and I continued to see each other and talk. And so we kinda started hanging out some days together after school, and I hung out with his little sister Gemma, too. She's only a grade older than me." I throw in Gemma as a buffer, hoping it wouldn't make it sound as bad as it just being me and Harry.

Both my parents kinda just look at me, neither one of them expecting that to be what I just told them.

"Well that's nice honey," my mom says, responding first. "It's always great to have many friends, and he was certainly a good choice. We can never thank him enough for doing what he did that day to save you."

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