20. Rumor

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Harry's POV

   I'm nearly stomping as I walk into my first class that I share with Bea. I spot her sitting in her usual seat and talking to some sophomore girl beside her, looking like she doesn't have a care in the world.

    But she's about to.

    I throw myself down into my desk roughly before gripping the side of Bea's and yanking her desk towards me. She squeals in surprise and her eyes look scared until she sees that it's just me.

    "Did you suck Stone Jameson's dick last night in your driveway?" I ask, feeling my stomach recoil at just the thought, much less having to say the words out loud.

    "What?" Bea screeches, looking around us in question, obviously worried about how loud we both just were. "Of course not! Why would you even ask that? I haven't even done that with you!"

     "Well did he give you a ride home last night?" I ask instead.

    The look on Bea's face tells me all I need to know, she doesn't even need to confirm it.

     "Why? You told me Lucy was giving you a ride home."

    Bea looks close to tears and I can see her chest start to quicken in panic. I know she's close to having a meltdown, and usually I care about that kind of thing, but right now I'm too mad to worry. I want to know why the fuck she lied to me and was in the car with that rich douche bag.

    "I know, and I'm sorry for telling you that. But I didn't want to ride home in the car with your friends after what you said to me. And I started walking home, and-"

    "Walking?" I interrupt. "Why would you walk?"

    "I thought it might help me clear my head and calm down."

    "So how did Stone come about?" I have to restrain from spitting when saying his name.

    "He was driving passed me when I was walking and stopped. He asked me if I wanted a ride, he said it looked like it was about to storm. I didn't realize how dark the sky was so I said yes."

    "And then?" I implore, hating the thought of Bea being upset and looking for comfort with someone else. Especially when I'm the one who upset her in the first place.

     "We just started having small talk, and he mentioned he was doing bad in our science class. I offered to help him since he gave me a ride home. We did homework and I went over some things with him that he was struggling with. That was it, Harry, I swear on everything. I didn't touch Stone, I would never do that to you."

    I can tell she's telling the truth, and to be honest I never believed what I heard in the first place. It was just the fact that it was even being said that had me seeing red. Had me ready to commit a felony and not give a shit about any of the consequences. The thought of people thinking my sweet Bea was sucking on Stone Jameson's dick made me feel physically sick, or like my heart was going to take off running out of my chest. I'd never felt like that before.  

     "I believe you." I tell her, wanting to put her out of her misery before she strokes out from her anxiety.

    "Who did you even hear that from?" She questions, some of the color finally coming back into her face. She had gone white as a ghost.

    "Everyone is talking about it. But Zayne heard it while some group of guys were talking about it in the parking lot."

    Bea's mouth seems to drop open in shock, I'm sure not making her feel any better that people are talking about her like that. I don't fucking like it either, especially when it's not my dick that's being talked about.

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