3. Robbery

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Bea's POV

I wasn't blind by any means. I had always knew when I thought a boy was attractive. Actually, the 3 of my guy friends were considered some of the cutest boys in my grade. My neighbor Garrison, and then twin brothers Grady and Brady.

All 3 of them had had endless girlfriends and just about every girl in our grade has fawned over them at some point.

Except me. And it wasn't because I didn't realize their good looks, or the way they knew how to charm girls at such a young age, I did. I just wasn't interested in them that way.

Garrison had been my neighbor since we were both in diapers. Our moms had made us take baths together and everything, so I think that ship had sailed itself. Grady and Brady moved here when we were in 2nd grade, and immediately we became fast friends, but that's all I ever saw them as.

None of them had ever made a move for me either, so I was privy to believe they felt the same way about me too.

My sister on the other hand had had a boyfriend since she was in 5th grade. Every other week she would come home with a new boys name drawn onto her notebook, and left a wake of broken hearts behind her. She and I had come from the same blood, but we couldn't have been more different if we had tried.

She had no interest in learning or school and I never had interest in boys or dating. Until now.

I wasn't naive enough to believe Harry felt the same way about me, but it was nice to know that there wasn't something broken inside me. I always thought maybe something was missing inside me. Shannon even asked me last year if I maybe looked at girls the way she looked at boys, and I thought about it for a while. I did find girls beautiful, and I was jealous of the way they looked and how cool some of them knew how to act without trying, but I didn't see them in a romantic light. I just assumed maybe I was going to be one of those people who lived alone their whole life and had an endless supply of books and cats.

Turns out I just hadn't met someone who made me see them in a way that wasn't friendly. And why the first person had to be a senior boy from the Downeys side of town was beyond me. It was seriously just my luck.

"Are you going to go in for me or what?" Shannon asks suddenly, pulling me away from my internal debate with myself.

"Huh?" I ask, having no idea what she's talking about. I look out the windshield and notice we're stopped at a convenience store.

"Go in for me and grab me some tampons while I put gas in the car." She says before climbing out of the car and going to put money in the gas pump.

"I have no idea what kind of tampons to get you! I don't even have my own period yet." I tell her, feeling myself going into a panic at the mere thought of having to buy tampons in the store and having people look at me.

"Just get me the tampax super kind. It's super easy to find. You love to read anyway, it's written right there on the boxes."

"I like to read books Shannon, not tampon boxes."

"Same thing, you nerd. Either go in and get my tampons or you can walk home." The look she gave me told me she wasn't kidding, she would totally make me walk home. And we weren't exactly in the safest part of town yet.

"Ugh!" I yelled, voicing my frustration before slamming the car door and stomping towards the inside of the store. I knew there was no point in arguing with Shannon, she always won.

I walked into the store and avoided eye contact with everyone, only looking up to escape the aisles to find the tampons. When I finally spot them on one of the racks, I walk quickly down the row and scan all the brands until I find Tampax pearl.

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