7. Party

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Bea's POV

  "Can you for once, in your freaking life, not be such a baby?" Shannon asked me.

    "I'm being a baby because I don't want to get into trouble with mom and dad?"

    "We're not going to get into trouble because we're not going to get caught!" She argued.

    It was a Friday and our parents had decided to go out of town this weekend to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. Which meant Shannon was in charge since she was the oldest and we were home alone.

    But honestly, our parents should have known better and put me in charge. Because they had only been gone a total of 3 hours and she was already trying to convince me to go to some party with her.

    Which our parents strictly forbid us from doing.

    "Okay, so then go alone! I don't need to go with you, nor do I want to." I told her.

    "I'm not leaving you here alone, because I know if mom and dad call and want to check in, you can't tell a lie to save your own life. I'll be grounded for the next month."

    I shrugged, not feeling the least bit sorry for her. "Then we're not going. It's settled."

    Shannon stepped closer to me and towered over me with her 5'7 height while I stood at a measly 5'1.

    "You're going to this party, and you want to know why?" 


    "Because if you don't, I'll tell mom and dad that I caught you trying to stuff toilet paper into your bra the other morning before school!"

    I gasped in embarrassment and anger. "You swore you would never bring that up again!"

    "And I won't, as long as you go to this party with me and act like a normal high school girl." She wagers, like any of this is a win situation for me.

    I stopped my feet and groaned in protest. "I can't stand you!"

   Shannon clapped her hands in glee, knowing she had won me over. She grabbed my hands and yanked me up the stairs to her room. "C'mon, let's get you into some cuter clothes and do something with your face and hair."

    So I sat stoically while she plucked and prodded at my face with God knows what. I knew there was no point in arguing about any of this, Shannon always won at whatever we were competing against, and I had long ago accepted that.

    Even when it came to Harry.

   I had seen him all week at school, and we talked everyday in our classes together. But at lunch he sat with his friends, and Shannon and a couple of her friends had now started to sit with them too. I saw him smile and laugh at something Shannon said to him the other day, and I knew then it was best to give up on my meaningless crush.

    He would never look at me that way. No boy ever would, not when the world was full of girls who looked like Shannon.

    "Okay, hair and make up is done." Shannon says, sitting down the make up brush she had just finished using on my face. "Let's see what we can find in your closet."

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