Bloody Mess

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(Sade's pov) (^^Sade in media^^)

I dropped to the ground and grabbed Daria up.

"Daria, do you hear me please say something!"

She stayed still. She was still breathing but she blacked out.

Xeni came into the bathroom and jumped slightly, startling me. I looked back at her woth tears in my eyes.

"Call Syna please!!"

Xeni quickly grabbed her phone and rung up Syna.



"Please come and call 911 Daria is on the blood soaked in blood and she's not moving!"


"Hold on.."

Her focus went to me.

"Is she breathing, is there a pulse?"

I nodded yes. I couldn't even speak nor breathe.

Everything from that point on went blurry and black.

(Syna's pov)

I had just approached Sade's house. I didn't even get to reach my house yet, I took a u-turn at a light and came speeding down the road. I got out and rushed through the front doors. I ran upstairs to see two bodies sitting in a pool of blood. I looked at Daria, cuts, and I looked at Sade, someone who doesn't take looking at blood well.

Xeni had a panic look on her face while I was chill. I've been through this many times so I wasn't as shook. I dragged Sade up and stripped her of the clothes she was in. I put her on a fresh set of clothes and soon as I finished, which took awhile, 911 came rushing through the streets with the ambulance at our house. They came rushing through the door and I screamed for them to come upstairs. They came right up and put her on a stretcher. They went back down the stairs and put her inside the ambulance quickly strapping her in.

They left and the police left shortly after. They already had asked all the questions and concerns they had to what happened over the phone so it was quick when they came to get her.

I sighed and plopped on the couch.

"...Why are you sitting there let's go!"

"WE have unfinished business to take care of, besides.. Sade is there already following right behind the ambulance. You know how she is when she's sad, she just wants to be alone"

"Mm... I guess"

I got up and grabbed her by her waist.

"Hey mamas, calm down everything will be fine"

Her breathing got heavy and she didn't notice I had backed her up against the wall.

"Wha- But-"

I kissed on her jaw line a bit making her tilt her head and trailed down to her neck. My grip on her hips tightened. She groaned softly into my ear. I flicked and sucked my tongue on her neck and she was grabbing all over me. I slowly backed away, leaving her wet and bothered.

"Let's go get your stuff, you're staying with me"

"Um, what?"

"Oh, Sade didn't tell you?" I smirked.

(Sade's pov)

I was in the waiting room trembling. I hated being belittled or judged so I asked to come by myself. When I blacked out I woke up to Daria being put on a stretcher and I was put in new clothes. I didn't ask no questions, I hopped into my car and followed after the ambulance. And that leads to now.

I got a text from Syna.

Syna: Xeni's at my house, hope you're ok. Call me.

I left her on read. I couldn't be judged right now it was too much for me. I know they're my friends but I just wanted to be alone.

"Hello are you here for Daria?"

"Um, yes. I-is everything ok... can I see her, is she aliv-"

"Ma'am I see you're very concerned but she's doing perfectly fine. You can come see her now"

I followed behind im assuming her doctor and we reached a room. He allowed me in and I almost teared up seeing here there.

"She's taking a nap right now so you could see yourself out whenever, I'll be at the front if you need me"

I nodded and he left the room. I couldn't stand to see her there sleeping, it made me imagine her dead or something. I walked over to her and lightly tapped her. She moved slightly and opened her eyes to look at me.


She tried to move her arm but she winced at the pain.

I placed her back to her side and sighed.

"You don't have to move, I know you're in pain"

"Hey.. where are your friends?"

"Oh... I didn't want to be judged"

"For? Do they not understand your feelings or something?"

"No they do, I just have a weird habit of thinking people would judge me.."

The room got quiet.

"Dont feel bad though, I wanted to be here with just me and you"

She smiled again and I leaned down to kiss her.

(Syna's pov)

I was in my bathroom getting out of the shower when I heard a little girl scream. I came out and looked around.

I know ain't no kids in my damn house.

I went to the patio and there was Xeni looking at the ground. I moved her slightly to the side to see a blunt on the ground.

"I dropped itttt" she laughed.

I looked in her eyes.


She's high.

I picked the blunt up and headed back inside knowing she'd follow behind me.

She grabbed onto my towel from behind making it fall to the ground. I turned around to her and grabbed her neck, not enough to harm or choke her seriously.

"Mamas...." I looked her up and down.

She was biting her lip and she had low eyes. She was definitely horny.

I let her neck go and grabbed my towel wrapping myself back up.

She stood there as I walked away back into the bathroom. I sat the blunt on my dresser but she's so high she probably didn't notice. I went back in to put on my clothes and lotion up. I brushed my teeth and wrapped my hair up into a bun. I came back out and she was on the bed knocked out.

Fuck that was quick. I thought we were gonna continue what we started earlier.

It was best we got some type of rest tonight though, tomorrow I can't say the same.

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